Raffle! (you thought I was going to say lottery)

Day 616, 08:37 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Here's how it works.

Raffle tickets are worth 0.1 gold. You can buy as many tickets as you want.

Each ticket you buy will be given a number. At the end, I will randomly pick a number from the collection.

The grand prize winner will get a Q2 house and a 10 gold.
The second place winner will get 3 gold and a Q1 weapon.
The third place winner will get a 1 gold.

And NO this is not a scam. Don't ask please.

And even more importantly, I need to sell at least 250 tickets. So please tell people about this and buy tickets!

Now why is a Q2 house part of the grand prize? Because I need to sell it off somehow 🙂

Thanks very much. Hopefully I'll get enough interest...I hope...

In fact, just to make this more exciting. If I get 500 tickets sold, there will be 5 more 5 gold prizes!!!

And if I get 750 tickets sold, instead, I will give out 5 prizes of 10 gold!

Oh yeah! So now please. Tell people about this raffle and vote it up!. Thanks.

Edit: Please post that you have bought a ticket(s) on the comments.
Edit: If I don't get enough tickets, then I will end up refunding everyone.
