R3d for Congress!

Day 668, 16:55 Published in USA USA by R3dko

"The heavens parted, and a great voice said unto the masses: Amidst the blood of the fallen you will find the Shield. From the Islands of Paradise will arise a great Sword..."

My name is R3dko, otherwise knows as R3d to some. I am a proud member of the Libertarian party, am active in the eUSA intel divisions, and am fluent in a number of languages. I am running for the post of Congressman representing the State of Hawaii, and the eUSA as a whole. I am running as a Libertarian, with an official endorsement from the Conservative Party (CvP).

In the world of eRepublik, I am may not be known to many; Those that do know me can vouch for the fact that I am easygoing, enjoy a good laugh, and (sometimes) know what I’m talking about. What distinguishes me from my opponents? My RL (Real Life) experience, my dedication, and my proven knowledge of what it takes to be a leader.

--My Platform--

This time of war is foremost in the minds of eUS citizens. Until we defeat eRussia, we will have no opportunity to rebuild this nation to the greatness it once had. The might of our military has been proven time and time again- the final push to victory is inevitable. I have been working with the Department of Defense and intelligence agencies (which prefer to remain unnamed) in various capacities, and plan to continue to do so following my election to Congress. My prior military experience and cultural background provides me with a unique perspective when it comes to the enemy, and will come into play heavily when it is time for me to turn my sword of war into one of diplomacy.

After the war is over, we must rebuild. This state and other critically important locations must have Hospitals and Defense Installations to grow. I will establish additional National Guard bases throughout the state. Our brave soldiers and reserves will always be on call to protect the inhabitants of this great state against any enemies that may rise against us.

Taxation is inevitable. It is also critical to building a strong nation, when managed correctly. During this national crisis, taxes have been rather high to aid our forces in their fight against the enemy. They will need to remain elevated for a short time during the rebuilding stage, but will be lowered as soon as the national economy is back on it’s feet.

During the course of this war, we have seen numerous instances where the actions of uninformed and new players (referred to as Two-Clickers) have changed the tide of a battle to the benefit of our enemies. It is essential that education and training programs be made available to inexperienced players. During times of war, all players must know what to do in case their territory is captured, where to go during an evacuation, and who to contact for help.

I will be recommending a number of additional Communication Incentives to the Government of the eUS during my tenure as Congressman. These include the usage of popular Social Networking platforms to contact citizens during their “off-times”.

Overall, my strategy is a simple one: Get the eUS back to the top of the food chain! We must fortify our defenses, strengthen our economy and populace, and provide our citizens with an eRep experience unrivalled by any other nation.

All About Me:

In eRepublik, I have been proudly running a Q1 Weapons Factory (Imperia Arms). Through this company, I am able to aid the efforts of this great nation in the fight against many strong foes, most of which have already been defeated. By utilizing business practices I learned running my RL companies, I am able to generate a profit in my company while providing weapons to our strong soldiers and militia at the best possible prices. My workers are dedicated, strong, and skilled.

IRL (In Real Life) I am in my twenties. I speak a couple of languages fluently and have lived extensively overseas. My family and I were deported from a country for being missionaries (hence the above photo). In school, I spent three years participating heavily in the Model United Nations program (including a trip to the State Assembly). I entered the military soon after (in the Intel sector), and am currently a disabled vet. I have been an entrepreneur since I was legally able (1😎, currently own a small business, and have managed 200+ people at one time. Though it has not been all that long, I have thus far led a very full life. I love new experiences, and do my best to excel in everything that I do. My RL experiences will lend a tremendous boost to my term as the next Congressman for the great state of Hawaii.

Q&A from Constituents:

Q: I would like to ask you a few questions about your platform:
1)Do you plan to increase or decrease taxes and why
2)How do you plan on defeating eRussia

A: Hello,

I'd be happy to answer your questions.

I plan on keeping taxes at the current level until Russia has been completely expunged from the borders of the United States. Following the end of the war, I am recommending to Congress that we as a country rebuild our infrastructure to prevent future incursions of the enemy into our borders.

During this rebuilding and regrouping period, it is my recommendation to allow the taxes to remain at the current level to fund the deployment of additional hospitals and defense installations in key areas throughout the U.S. As soon as this period is complete (max 1-2 months), taxes should be lowered to allow for the continued growth of the economy and population.

As far as beating Russia- it is only a matter of time before we have once again secured our borders. With today's developments, we are regaining the initiative against all of our enemies. The strength and determination of the eUS is unmatched -- especially in times of crisis. There is no way for them to continue with the momentum that has gotten them this far. We can already see the first signs of them running out of steam. As we push back, the administration of eRussia will have to drastically change their tactics. Either way, our drive will carry us as far as we need to go.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to this election, and to representing the great people of Hawaii.

Also: Vote for these ppl. They are the self-proclaimed "Shiznits" of the eRep World!
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