R I S E: Article #4

Day 1,521, 20:08 Published in Canada Canada by Andrew McKenzie Caine

Our leader is gone, and the failed vote to impeach him in tow. Now as we sit stagnant, we speculate just what the next few days will hold. One thing is certain: the next election will hold the future of eCanada in the balance. It will be a 24 hour war to determine whether or not we spend another month free of tyranny, corruption, and more or less a PTO of the country.

With Addy's chair empty, and no one to replace him, our government is safe...for the moment. With CP elections closing in, we need to act soon. We need to act swiftly, and we need to act as one.

I am announcing that I will be running for CP next month. I will be running to keep Norsefire out of the Presidency. If we do not deal with this now, if we do not vote as one, Norsefire will gain further voting power and make a serious run for the country. I urge you eCanada to vote together in order to keep us free. You wanted to know what R I S E stood for. It stands for us. It stands for a free eCanada.

I am asking you to R I S E with me and douse the Norsefire flame. Keep eCanada free.

I will announce more in the coming days.