Quick Department of Defense Update

Day 992, 13:49 Published in USA Canada by Greene12

A bit of an update on the goings on of the Department of Defense:

Firstly, with the election of President Krems I am the new Secretary of Defense. I’ll be using this paper to put out some updates now and then and if you have any questions or suggests on the DoD or simply how to fight in V2, please do send me a PM.

Civilian Mass Attacks

This past month we ran Civilian MAs at 12, 4, and 9pm EST. We’ve decided to shorten this to just the 9pm EST attack, 18:00 eRep time. This will hopefully get more people on at this one time and make the attacks easier to properly staffed and run. More people means more fun with this war module. This meeting in #defense for mass attacks will happen every day regardless of battle conditions. Its possible nothing will be going on at that given time and nothing to really do, but if you’re feeling bored and looking for a bit of what the regular military does all the time you can stop by and expect something to be happening. Mass attacks happen in the IRC channel #Defense as well as the in game DoD chat. A direct link to get to #defense through the client Mibbit can be found here:

#Defense on Rizon Easy Link

The ATO in Croatia

Thanks to everyone who helped out our Croatian allies, we had a sound victory and Fabius made it into office with an incredible vote margin. Thanks for your help and great work!

How to Fight in V2 for the new player

The new war module requires a huge amount of coordination to be truly successful, its not difficult to find battles in which a numerically inferior but more coordinated force is winning on the battlefield. I highly recommend joining the US Military or a Militia, our own DoD Civilian Mass Attacks are a good way to experience a bit of what these groups do.

If you do end up unable to communicate with people during a battle though, and need to fight there’s simple stuff to look for. Remember that killing the enemy is not always the most important thing to do. The victory conditions are based on ownership of the battlefield. Look for large areas of enemy held tiles with low protection, or a nice hole in an enemy line you can get through and take hexes. Controlling the battlefield is what matters, a day old player can be just as useful in this way as a year old soldier with a Q5 gun. Fight Smart; Win the War.

Join up with the Military or a Militia!

These groups do a lot to increase coordination and effective ness on the battlefield as well as put weapons into the hands of players who cannot afford them (Yes! Guns!) some nice links you should explore if you’re not involved in this part of the game yet:

US Training Corps Application

Easy Company Milita Application

Seal Team 6 Militia Application

SEES Super Soldier Militia Application

UIP Militia Application

If you have any questions or simply need help learning your way around the game, please do send me a PM!

Secretary of Defense