Q5 Hospital in Canada!

Day 641, 10:53 Published in Canada Canada by Archangel

Canadians home and abroad, I have some great news. Alberta, the region we just recently took back is having a Q5 Hospital built in it. This could not have happened so quickly without the extremely generous offer from the Svenska Sjukhus Q5 Company in Sweden. We all owe them a tremendous Thank-you for giving Canada a hospital at the price of $1 CAD. This astounding development means that we can fight from Canada whenever the need shall arise. This also means that the population of Canada can only increase, from here on (the current being under 1000). With the moving of many people into Canada we can expect more companies opening for business, meaning more jobs, competitive prices and a stronger Canada!

This just goes to show how fast the tides can change. It was not too long ago that Canada did not even exist on the eWorld map, while now we have 5 provinces and a Q5 hospital. It will now only be easier for Canada to demolish PEACE, and take more and more of our nation back. Myself, who has been residing in the US, am now preparing for my return to Canada. I hope to see many of you there.


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Sincerely, Mr. Hopwood