PTO ALERT: Binda33 has PTO'd the Green and Gold Party

Day 1,504, 07:49 Published in Australia Australia by Brolliance News Network

Green and Gold Party Members,

I regret to inform you that former Australian Independent and SRG91's Deputy Prime Minister candidate Binda33 has PTO'd the Green and Gold Party.

Binda33 originally ran 3rd in the recent Party President elections behind the winner (and the incumbent) CallumH123 and runner-up (GGP founder) Mr Crumpets.

CallumH123 resigned from being Party President a day later and as with game mechanics, Binda33 took over due to her having the highest experience points.

Binda33 called for a renewed push of promoting the party to younger players and at the time was supporting Wally Wilson in the run for PM.

In recent days I do what I always do and put out a controversial article talking about political tactics.

The article talked about what was raised in the GGP forums and it's thoughts of the APP.

This morning, when logging onto the forums after the New Year's break, I, Mr Crumpets, founder of the GGP, discovered I was LOCKED OUT of the party forums.

When demanding to be let back in the party forums, Binda33 posted the following...

CH, you posted material from our private Party forum in an article. Now you can enjoy the game mechanics that you say you prefer. After all, if you played by game mechanics alone you wouldn't even be on this forum.

Yes, I posted something from our forum. BUT NOWHERE IN OUR PARTY RULES does this say it cannot be done.

Hell, as media manager of the GGP many terms ago, everything that was posted on the forums was posted in this very newspaper, as to promote the party to newbies.

Here's another thought for our PTOer Binda33. If you are going to lock out a party member for beliefs in game mechanics, then the WHOLE PARTY has to be locked out, as that was the basis for the GGP/ERA.

Furthermore, Binda33 said this...

You used a thread that was posted in our private forum and posted part of it publicly in a way that shed a bad light on our Party.

If you want to discuss this privately I'm willing to. I will not be responding to this thread or in any other public place again.

Oh, and Party Protocols don't say I CANT do this.

The GGP has always been about passionate debate as CallumH123 would agree with, especially on the Indonesia issue.

Binda33 wants me (and any other party member who gets booted) to 'privately discuss' with her about coming back in - HELL NO!

This is an PTO Power Trip by Binda33 and I won't let it drag me or the Party down.

There is no doubt that Binda33 is now a corrupt player looking for her next power trip.

Binda33 was sacked a number of times from cabinet over the years (mainly for reaching beyond her appointed powers), was the first speaker to be denied access to a cabinet room and was almost booted from the Green and Gold Party after having a go at a new party member who dared put their hand up to help.

In fact, Binda33 cracked the sads two terms ago when CallumH123 wanted to choose a new person to help him on the GGP council rather than her - a clear sign of how power hungry she is.

A lock-out by Binda33 on the basis of whom she may or may not like personally is not in the interests of the party or our country.

It's now time for action.

I call upon ALL Green and Gold Party Members to email Binda33 to ask her to remove this lock-out.

I call upon SRG91 to remove this PTOer and person who easily gets corrupted by power from his cabinet.

I call upon forums admins to strip Binda33 of her admin powers.

Green and Gold Party Members, let's take back our party!

Mr Crumpets
GGP Founder