Proud of America

Day 798, 00:35 Published in USA USA by United Independents Party

Tonight, I saw what this country is truly made of.

I have been a part of this game for nearly 10 months, a part of the UIP for 9 months, and an active member of the coordination of eUS Congressional Elections for at least seven. During that time I have witnessed every form of sniping, deal making, dirty campaigning, and general partisanship; but tonight was different. Tonight, the party leaders recognized a common threat, organized to address it, and put aside their differences and usual competitive mentality to ensure that the next Congress had the best set of candidates possible.

Even if it wasn’t perfectly organized, even if we did not have all of the blockers that people would have wanted, and even if we didn’t get every single member of congress in that should have; the eUS should be proud of what we accomplished as midnight hit on the twenty-sixth of January.

America, we showed our true colors tonight, and that is something we can all be proud of.

I hope the eUS Congress will give equal forum access to those who lost in the midst of the enemy PTO effort. It is clear that these members are quality candidates and it would be a shame to see their qualifications go wasted at a time when this nation needs it’s best and brightest in power.
Lastly, I want to give a shout out to the excellent work in the midst of this PTO to the leadership of Illithian, Cromstar, JoshFrost, Rheinlander, and Disdick. For those I did not mention, your work and dedication is no less important and I salute you, O7.

UIP Party President

For more information on the attempted PTO please read this article from WahooBob
In addition, read Ligtreb's update on the PTO