Proposal for Restructuring - Starting Point

Day 1,684, 10:32 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Akimi

No pictures this time, but a quote from the forums..

Shizuma Hanazono

"Anyway. I have plans. I will get Captain position on next election and I will get into Congress on next election. And someday I will get the President election too.
😁^ what do you know a real ambitious little warrior, she proposes the following:

First thing first.

Internal SSG needed are few:

Ministry of Logistics - this would do everything in regards of obtaining funds to supply MU projects. I think would need someone who is good with words to get the congress to fund it. Little work to do but write a nice project outline. And then supply funds to run projects. Easy job.

Ministry of Military Development - this not so easy. Need good person (maybe 2 or even 3) who can come up with efficient systems to get little people to feel valued and to help them develop their town to fight more and make progress that little bit faster. Also to make arrangements for old players to feel challenged. I can come up with 3 separate projects already, but needs funding, lots of it.

Ministry of Culture and Expansion - very hard, needs people who can come up with challenging missions. And not just one, but a new one every week or a fortnight. They can rotate them over time with different wording but needs to keep looking fresh. It may need funding too, either internal or external.

Ministry of Politics - everyone who wants to deal with politics, congressmen and women, with one top, Party Leader or his second in command to present everything we want to put forth, coalitions, proposals for next CP and such, things we do collectively as SSG.

And Last but not least

Secret Services - that's all you need to know.

there, my proposition"

Well, I am all for being in the SS but we probably should rename it..

Special Ninja Forces