Proposal about Greece's current alliance...Eden or Phoenix or...?

Day 1,042, 10:02 Published in Greece Greece by Balambani Brothers Inc
Recently I read this article:

It basically was an excuse why we haven't got members in the Eden HQ as a response to our "complaints", fair enough. The Eden supreme commander makes a good point, Greece would not be anywhere thanks to Eden. I have been playing this game for over 2 years and I have seen the actions they have done for us which is why I am flattered by them.

But seriously though, this is a game so why should we care about what Eden wants us to do?

Wouldn't it be more fun if we were allied to our real life friends and made some kind of invasion of our enemies?

Many Serbs are calling us to join Phoenix but we will never do that on account of Turkeys hostile actions to us in the past, and how they back stabbed us when we were in PEACE which resulted in a 7 month occupation of Greece.

So I have a better Idea.

I am bored of Phoenix

I am bored of Eden... and I am sure most of you are as well, I mean the whole world is divided into two powers which is just... well boring considering the fact its been this way for almost 2 years.

So I say screw Eden, F**k Phoenix lets make our own alliance with the Serbs and the Romanians, Russians etc... and create a new super alliance that will make Eden and Phoenix quiver in their boots while we devastate the world.

Screw Eden!

So why not?

Screw Phoenix!

It will make the game more interesting and will be more beneficial for a baby boom in eGreece and to our allies...It's not nice being allied to countries whom you don't really share anything special with in real life.

Hail a better, newer cooler alliance!

So my offer to the Greek and Serbian government is simply this: Withdraw from Phoenix/Eden along with some real life buddies and start a new reign of terror on the new world 😃.

Tell me what you think guys...

Thanks Balamabani Broz