Prognosing the eFuture!

Day 1,583, 10:24 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Bukso

The Question - what will happen causet by the last changes in the eWorld?

This is the Prognosis which I am giving now:

- Bulgaria is out of Eden, but Eden is not only loosing Bulgaria but also the whole respect and the loyaliti of many Eden players and countries. This means that the alliance will be destroyed or in the best case badly wounded for a long time... So instead of loosing 600M damage, Eden will loose another 600M damage and much more - the brotherhood.

- Till now Turkey was without any enemies, But now - there is Bulgaria. After the war with Bulgaria, Turkey will loose not only 2 needless regions, but the whole Iran and many other regions, because even the whole Eden cant keep Turkey's 9 bonuses all the time without serious looses. So in the best case Turkey will use some moments of piece to atack UAE or Saudi Arabia to use they bonuses for short time.

- Greece had till now the bulgarians cover for Macedonia, but now Macedonia will be surrounded only from allies and can atack Greece at any time, this will make for Greece the keeping of the regions much difficult. So Greece will loose the regions, and in the best case they will keep some regions free from Macedonia.

- Croatia lost its bonuses in Mexico, although Bilgaria(without Flausino of course) and many bulgarians fought for Croatians regions. They coudnt be saved. Now when Bulgaria is out of Eden there is no prognosis needed to understand the results withoud Bulgaria ....

So according to this hypothesis, the biggest FAIL of Eden was to mock Bulgaria.

lets see what will happen really, but remember this prognosis 😉

Bastun- о/Г

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