Principes de Guillotine - Book of Rouge - Chapter 4

Day 1,606, 09:46 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Chapter 4 – The Blue Prince

It had been many many years after the establishment of the Holy Church of Guillotine, and by now Archbishop Sainte Guépards of Geneva had already liberated nearly 10 million souls, enlightening them with His Holiness’ divine wisdom. The holy touch of His Holiness reached all corners of the world, discriminating no land or people. There was however, now a tense clash between the Burnt One, Maléfice, and His Holiness, Monsieur Baguette, boiling over the peaceful realm of the Guillotinists. Already, Maléfice had seduced and tempted some to align themselves with his dark scheme which was to one day, exterminate all Guillotinists and proclaim a new unholy order where he would become the supreme god. His Holiness was not frightened in any way however, for he knew that the Burnt One’s disrespect toward the holiest of holy baguettes secured his future of eternal suffering at the hands of the flames of sin.

The Kingdom of France at this time was expanding rapidly under the leadership of their ruler. Once prosperous lords and nobles were now losing their power and wealth as the king succeeded in suppressing any resistance to his conquest. The nation of Switzerland continued to remain peaceful after its formation, and knew that under His holy guidance, no danger could arise.

And so, it was a silent winter night when a baby was born in Paris. This baby was different though... he was not like the others. His eyes were blue like the clear sky, his skin was lightly decorated with tints of blue, his hair although still small strands, gave off a shining azure. Because of these auspicious circumstances, the little baby boy was named Bleu, after his clearly dominant traits.

Now Bleu was a prince, but he did not know of this when he grew up because his father and mother were taken away from him at an early age when the King seized his father’s estate. And yet, Bleu was truly blessed by His Holiness, for a nice old Guillotinist couple took him in as their own child, showering him with love. His parents were members of a small minority group in France, devout Guillotinists who would not let religious persecutions chase them out of their homeland. Bleu worked hard in the fields day and night to help his elderly parents, never questioning why they were so old in comparison to him.

On his 18th birthday, as customary for Guillotinists, Bleu travelled on a long pilgrimage to the holy city of Geneva to soak in the prophetic knowledge from Archbishop Sainte Guépards of Geneva himself. When the Archbishop glanced at Bleu in the mass of people waving their arms toward the warm rays of His Holiness’ purity, Sainte Guépards was shocked, immediately stopping his chanting. The faithful Guillotinists stopped as well, wondering what was the matter.

“Sacré bleu! Is... is that you Bleu? Can it be... the prince has returned?” stammered the Archbishop.

Bleu, not exactly sure how Sainte Guépards knew his name, and why he called him a prince, hesitantly replied, “Yes I am Bleu... but I am no prince. Why do you say this?”

Unable to restrain his joy, the prophet exclaimed, “The prince! You are the prince! His Holiness has warned me some time ago of your arrival, he said you would come one day to help us!”

A bit confused by the situation, Bleu did not know what to say. Bleu did not know that he was a prince... no one had ever told him that he was a prince. Could it be that his elderly parents were really only his adopted parents? The weekend service ended early that day, and Bleu was able to talk to the Archbishop privately afterwards.

After a long talk, Bleu had discovered his true identity. He was the Blue Prince, orphaned at only two years-old, then living the life of a farmer boy. Sainte Guépards had explained to Bleu that he had a mission to fulfil in this life, and it was to spread the word of His Holiness across all lands stretching the vast oceans. Bleu then learned that he was born the way he was so that one day, the Archbishop of Geneva would know that it was him. And thus, Bleu would be able to serve his duty as His Holiness’ divine prophet.

Archbishop Sainte Guépards of Geneva quickly initiated Bleu and sent him toward the eastern lands of Switzerland to establish the city of Bern under the protection of His Holiness. Bern was to be the Guillotinist sanctuary for those of the younger generation, like Bleu. There, they would be taught all which was to be learned about Guillotinism. And so on that day onward, Bleu was known as Archbishop Bleu of Bern.

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Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine
His Holiness, Monsieur Baguette, God of Gods