Principes de Guillotine - Book of Rouge - Chapter 1

Day 1,577, 15:19 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Chapter 1 – The Beginning

In the beginning, His Holiness, Monsieur Baguette, God of Gods, was all that there was. Drifting among His divine dreams, He gazed into the shining light of His own enlightened state of mind. There were no human beings at this time; there were no trees, no animals, no life at all.

One day, He decided that it was time to create all which had not been created. It was time to give life to all which had not been given life. It was time for the beginning which had not yet begun.

His love and compassion was transformed into a drop of His own blood. Blood, which then was sprinkled upon all which was beneath Him.

He created a hot sun and a cold moon.

He created a sleeping sky and a sweeping sea.

He created a tall mountain and a deep valley.

Animals and plants soon appeared upon this newly formed world. Birds flew in the sky, fish swam in the sea. Trees grew along the mountain, bushes sprung upon the valley.

He had created all but one creature: the human being. From His vast ocean of generosity, He once again drew a drop of blood from Himself. However this time, from His blood, He formed a man and a woman, and gave them both two eyes, two ears, one nose, and one mouth. He gave them two arms and two legs, a fresh baguette for the man, and a wooden oven for the woman.

The man soon baked his baguette in the woman’s wooden oven, and from there on, more men and more women were born, each with a drop of His warm blood. And so, He had created the world’s first human beings.

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Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine
His Holiness, Monsieur Baguette, God of Gods