Prester John and PPSA in the NWP!

Day 883, 18:04 Published in South Africa South Africa by Prester John

I am pleased to announce my candidacy for Congress in North West Province under the banner of the Progressive Party of South Africa.

If you vote for me, you are voting for:

1) A committed daily player who has been around for 7 RL months.
2) A proud eSouth African who stands with all those opposing foreign occupation and PTO's.
3) A business owner who wants our government policies to be a pro-business as possible.
4) A long-serving member of the eSAAF.
5) A player who values friendly debate and exploration of ideas, but without the flaming.
6) Someone who bothers to play because it is a game and should be fun.

Hope you will give me your consideration. Thanks.

-Prester John