Presidential Statement: Karnataka and War.........

Day 832, 17:02 Published in USA Poland by Battle Kitten

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Karnataka Deal Reached
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A fair deal for Karnataka has been reached with the Indian government. I would like to commend Devoid for working so hard to get this deal accomplished. The negotiations for this deal lasted over a two month span and were finally accomplished yesterday. The deal is economically fair to the eUSA and to our Indian allies and ensures that Karnataka will stay in American hands until the end of April. For those that question why we are giving the Indians rent it is simple. We are not like our Phoenix counterparts. India allowed us into their territory, put themselves in peril with their neighbors, and allowed us to expel Iran and Indonesia from the area. We intend to be fair and even handed with all nations that cooperate with us.

Move to Karnataka!!

Walls are essential to the defense of our territories. The fewer citizens that live there the smaller the wall be. The current population of Karnataka is not nearly enough to supply a comfortable defense for this area. All willing eUSA citizens need to move to Karnataka. Building the wall in Karnataka is extremely important. It is essential that we protect this fortress and keep it safe from possible attacks. SO MOVE TO KARNATAKA AND BUILD THE WALL!! THE MORE PEOPLE THAT LIVE THERE THE MORE EXPENSIVE IT IS FOR PHOENIX TO RW OR ATTACK IT!!! Tickets are available upon request to the following org:

Flying Unicorn Squadron:

War!!! War!!! War!!!

Trust me I have heard you and plans are in place. That said, a lot of people calling for war have provided me with a teachable moment and I am going to take it. First off, there won't be a full scale war in the last few days of my presidency....sorry. I am not leaving the next President a mess to clean up. I am not starting something I won't be here to finish. That said, lets talk about an invasion of Mexico which seems to be a hot topic. Evidently some folks in the eUSA want a tomato can to beat up. So lets talk about how a war with Mexico would unfold. I'll give you a step by step account.

1. The president declares war on Mexico and a 24 hour vote ensues before you can attack.
2. Mexico sees the war declaration and immediately starts signing MPP's (Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Indo, maybe even Portugal and the UK). BTW Phoenix will pay for them.
3. War declaration passes and we have one hour to attack before the MPP's take effect.
4. We attack the only three regions we can and win overwhelmingly within 24 hours.
5. Phoenix MPP's take effect!! We can't go any further or else face an ass beating from a potent stack of MPP's.
6. Congrats you just spent 2000 gold for 24 hours of battle and three worthless Mexican regions.

Look, war should be used for a tactical purpose and not just an entertainment one. Attacking Mexico sounds pretty cool until you know the specifics. Add into the factors I mentioned along with the fact that Karnataka is always in danger due to Americans unwillingness to move there and I'm not losing Karnataka for Mexico...sorry. When you guys start moving there and building that wall and India is safe from PTO threat, I am sure any president will be more than willing to attack the hell out of whoever you want.