Presidential Race, New Politics These Days

Day 700, 14:04 Published in USA Bulgaria by Jewitt

Presidential Race | Headline Story | Keeping Them Honest | To do List

20 October, 2009, Day 700 of the New World - The Report has gone nearly a week without an issue, and it is about high-time a new one was sent out. Covered topics are the upcoming Presidential Race, an ideological discussion on the political climate of the United States, and some muckraking on our Congress. Keep an eye out on subliminal text, apparently it has been showing up a whole lot.

Presidential Race for November

The race for Presidency seems to always begin right after the Party President elections on the 15th of every month. Oddly enough, that did not happen this month. There has been no open dealing, announcements, or campaign promises. An interesting demand on behalf of Former President Emerick spawned a more formal poll to see if the nation's favorites, Jewitt and Woxan, would run for office in November.

A bunch of seniors talking about how food used to cost 2.30 USD "back in the day" and how wars were fought overseas.

Last month, Economic Council Director Woxan (now Secretary of the Treasury) ran a strong and solid opposition campaign against the combined Gaius Julius / Jewitt ticket and eventually would lose. He, however, held on strong to the nation's spirits and has been kept in the minds of half of the politicos and citizens across the country. Jewitt himself has been Vice President now for three terms and has been a contributing member to the government since January, as well as a favorite to the other half of the country. Both are "V1 Babies" and have led the charge of reform and efficiency within the United States Government.

Neither have denied or confirmed the notion of their running for the Presidency, but one could speculate. Woxan, a logical-thinking accountant for not only the Executive but also the Legislative branches was known for his slogan "Bring the fight to PEACE!" He sided with having Cerb as his running mate last month, a USWP vocal member that has contributed greatly to the success of the nation. More than likely, Cerb would be his running-mate once again. Woxan's credibility does not lay with finances and foreign policy alone; complimenting Jewitt, Woxan also has worked with anti-political takeover movements, strategic planning, and is an active member of SEAL Team 6.

Srsly, who thought this was a great idea? Jeez...
And why are there only 6 tweets? I demand it to match the vote count.

Jewitt, known around the globe as an economist and "go-to guy" for markets, preceded Woxan in both the Economic Council and Treasury Department. If he was to decide upon a Vice President, it would probably be a split between current Chief of Staff PigInZen and Woxan himself. Like Woxan, Jewitt is an avid economist and a strong believer in utilizing game mechanics. He also does not lack in the foreign policy field, as like Woxan, he has made efforts to aggressively target the Global Community. Jewitt's slogan, "Jewitt can do it!," is still used today when it was first used by this paper in late December. In an article about the war nearly a month ago, Jewitt made another slogan to compliment the United States: "Finish the fight."

It seems the two favorites for the election have the same credibility, nearly the same experience, with only one difference: Their way of going about progress. That is for you, the voter, to decide come the 5th if these two do in fact run.
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A New Political Atmosphere for a New Country

The United States, although still technically the Confederacy, has slowly found itself entering into a new dimension of political climate. An informative article by Rheinlander von Phalz discusses this topic in immense detail. In von Phalz's article, he explains how the political climate has shifted from the majority thinking "Ideology," or the thought of real-life conservatism and liberalism, being overshadowed by "Mechanicism," the thought that what works in the game and the game alone is acceptable. This contrasts The Report's own article written eight months ago when Mechanicism was a very small minority.

To represent this shift, a political party has been revived by Former President Harrison Richardson alongside Former President of Singapore ExoM7 under the misnomer "Democratic Party," but is more casually referred to as "The Game Mechanics Party."

In von Phalz's article, an interesting thing stood out to the editors and writers here at The Report: The comments section. In there, a debate on the Ideology v. Mechanicism argument raged and it seemed that those arguing the sides have fallen to the same problem that their real-life Conservatism v. Liberalism counterparts have: Absolutes.

So maybe one of those should be a 10-foot tall robotic Terminator called "Mechanicist Party"

Mechanicism, as outlined in Jewitt's original presentation eight months ago which was mirrored by others, was never intended to be an absolute. "There is a realist and a mechanicist in this theory," Jewitt explained in his article, "the realist looks at the human factor while the mechanicist looks at the game mechanic factor. No room for ideology, only functionalism." This is why, up until mid-March when the phrase Mechanicism took hold, Jewitt oftentimes referred to it as "Functionalism" over Mechanicism.

The von Phalz article essentially shows that the United States has finally embraced Mechanicism as a strain of majority thought, but it is undeniable that "realism," or taking into consideration both the human and "fun" factors, are still existent even in the most die-hard "Mechanicists" in the Democratic Party.

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» A proposal to donate IDR (Indonesian currency) to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has been proposed by Jude Conners and will pass with an overwhelming majority. This is a step to move all foreign currency out of the treasury and into the CBO.

» Alliances are finishing their renewal as both Israel and Spain will have their agreements renewed with the United States.

» Debate and trial on a new citizen message is underway. Apparently, the hyperlinks used in the previous message do not work although it was the same coding used months ago which did. Expect a few test proposals in the up coming days!
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» Check out The Report on Air - showing now every Tuesday at 10:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, 9:00 PM Central (19:00 eRepublik Time). Topics addressed are the world's current events as well as any questions or commentary from call-in viewers. To call-in when live, just follow the link. Also, every Thursday is Open Mic Night at the same time to answer any questions and talk about anything.

» We appreciate your feedback in our second Public Opinion Poll. This is to further The Report's knowledge, interface, as well as give the United States Government a means to rank its approval and population sentiments.

» An independent poll is up and running and I would recommend everyone to look into it. Be sure to also check out a thread on free weapons for today's battle.

Written and Edited By,
-Jewitt, Chief Editor
-WahooBob, Multimedia Manager
-Michael Hunt, Senior Correspondent

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