Presidential Platform

Day 952, 22:16 Published in Japan Japan by exReality

I plan on running for president this upcoming term and I would like your support. My main focus as President is preparation for V2 and an expansion of our role in international politics.

International Politics

Japan deserves a greater role in international politics. Our past presidents have paved a glorious road that could lead to a grand stage for Japan to be a part of. I would like to expand our alliances to the inner depths of Europe, including pursuing greater relationships with the following countries; Spain, Croatia and Romania. Of course, we will retain and aim to even further our own relationship with the United States but Europe will be the main priority. To further this I would like to appoint a high level ambassador to EDEN, specifically with the goal of deepening military cooperation.

V2 Preparations

The proper preparation of v2 also must be taken place. Skill allocations of both the military and business are significant to Japan’s growth in the future. I plan to centralize and have the government regulate the military skills of our Imperial Soldiers. This is because strategy and teamwork are heavily emphasized in the upcoming module, so coordination and execution are essential and must be practiced thoroughly. Mobile orders will have to be given at a moment’s notice and our soldiers will have to react quickly to every obstacle/situation.

With the changing military module, we would also have to adapt to the change by reforming the military. I plan to create a new system where each soldier is classified by their time-zone and their activity level. This would ensure our quality soldiers will be around-the-clock. Establishing this system will be one of my highest priorities. Military gives every citizen a chance to contribute to their country and also those involved in the military tend to stay in the game, more often than those who are not.

Business skills that will be chosen are also fairly important. However I believe the government should not regulate this particular choice. But I plan to take a survey to see how the various skills will be distributed amongst the population, to shine a light on this particular dilemma and perhaps give many citizens a broader view.

Rebuilding our Treasury

Due to the war with eSouth Korea, our national treasury has declined and has yet to recover due to the restrained monetary policy we have been following in the past month. We need to find alternate revenue sources, and I believe that government export corporations is our best bet. The best way to do so in my opinion is to rent idle companies from business owners for a monthly yen price and export products abroad, namely to the US. This provides us with another, less inflationary method for converting yen into gold in addition to simple monetary operations and therefore giving us another tool to rebuild our treasury. In addition, I will encourage our higher “value-added” military companies such as Nippon Weapons Q5 to export surplus inventory abroad, providing the military with a source of revenue aside from grants from Congress.

Anyways this is the brief overview of my highest priorities if elected. Expect another article from me sometime in the next two days also.
