Presidential Monkey Business

Day 1,177, 19:52 Published in Canada Canada by Kronos Q

Hello Canada,

I would firstly like to say thank you, as this is my first article since being elected President of Canada. All of your support for my campaign is very much appreciated. These elections were quite interesting, as there were many well-known candidates involved, and I was the only candidate that hadn't acted as a Country President before.

The first few days of Presidency are very hectic. I meant to write this article on Monday, but we can all see how that turned out 😁 These first few days were about settling in, and wading through the spam messages in my inbox. Our Ministers of Communication, Kilgore Trout 89 and pandobox, have already started off our communications yesterday with an overview of our Cabinet's initial tasks. This gives a good idea of what the Cabinet is doing, but doesn't mention too much about me 😉 So here's a few select details from my version of the story.

A fair amount of time was needed for setting up connections with our foreign friends. The expected inundation of messages from foreign Presidents and/more MoFAs took a little while to get under control, to ensure that I didn't miss anyone. Aeriala, Jacobi, and I have also already had initial meetings with both EDEN and PANAM, with more meetings planned already. One thing I'll say right away about this, is that PANAM is planning on changing it's name. They're holding a competition, with a cash prize included, between the nations for who can come up with a new name/logo. So if you have any ideas, why don't you share them with me, so that I can pass them on?

The Outreach Group and Player Support (NCAP) Groups have been set up as well. Their general outlines have been given to them, and over the next few days they'll hopefully have them down packed and able to help as many new players as possible. The Economic Table has not been set up yet. I'll be looking to finally get around to this tomorrow, barring anything awful comes up. In the mean time, I would invite everyone worried about the economy (ie. everyone..) to visit the Economy Section of our forums, and start up their own discussions and ideas about the situation. There is already a number of discussions there, but having more input wouldn't hurt.

The last thing I'll bring up is our plans for region swaps. I think many people knew that there was a hopeful plan to swap a region with the United Kingdom to get oil. This "plan" has gone awry. If you can read Serbian, you'll be able to see that this article talks about how Serbia will be renting two regions from the United Kingdom, which means the UK won't have an extra oil region to trade. Luckily enough, these weren't the only plans. I'd love to fill you in, but we'll have to wait until things are a bit more concrete before I can do that 😉

Once again, thank you.
Kronos Q