Presidential Elections

Day 590, 18:31 Published in Austria Thailand by RexLudi

As you all are most likely aware the presidential elections are in two days. The two main candidates are Ivanlp of the People’s Socialist Party and Lynari of Rot Weiss Rot. I would like to use this newspaper as a way to advocate for the candidate which I feel is most worthy of this title. That person is Lynari.

In his short term, Lynari has brought Austria immense success and progress. In this short month, relations with many countries such as Germany, Hungry, and many other PEACE and neutral countries. In fact, in his term Austria has achieved recognition as a free state. He has set up war-games for the people of Austria. He has been able to due so even with Austria’s low amount of income as a country. He has put Austria back on the map in the eyes of large and powerful countries. Not only has he put Austria on the map in the eyes of others but also in actual land size. In his term Austria has quadrupled in land size, achieving a total of four regions.

Now lets examine Ivanlp, a very capable candidate. He has recently written an article titled Ivanlp President of eAutria! A very impressive article indeed, one of the longest in recent Austrian media. It contains well-organized subtitles and bullets. However, do not be fooled by this professional layout. Please read it. Not to disrespect Ivanlp, who seems from what I can tell a very intelligent, well-versed citizen, but some of the points made in his plan do not exactly make sense. For example, his plan to increase the worth of the national currency. He states to obtain a rate of 60 to 1 the government needs to create more ATS. This just does not make any sense at all. If you know anything about economics at all then you would know that this would end in quite the opposite result. Perhaps in his next article he will better explain such a proposal. So if there is another reason for this please feel free to tell me because I cannot for the life of me figure it out. He also mentions many ambitious plans, which quite frankly seem unrealistic in the time frame in which we are dealing. Do not get me wrong they seem to be good ideas, but I think the president should focus on a certain few things that they wish to accomplish and get them done rather than proposing a plethora of over-ambitious proposals and organizations that are not likely to be finished.

Lynari has done wonders for this great country and possibilities for the next term are endless if he is elected. It would behoove this country for you all to elect Lynari president of Austria!!!

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