Presidential Election: FINAL ODDS

Day 1,322, 11:16 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

Since the last article was apparently not welcome by a certain deceased Greek philosopher, the wager pool has been closed early. If you'd like to remind me who you bet on, please post it below, Thanks. I will not be re-posting the prior article for fear of receiving additional famous points. However, info on all the candidates is below if interested.

Total Wager Pool- $49,500
Blank Keating- 2:1
Technician- 12:1
Speedcat McNasty- 5:1
cccimelihmessiccc- 425:1
Thedillpickl- 3:1

Blank Keating Starting Odds- 2:1

Considered an underdog before his Union with Marxus as his Vice President, Blank Keating has emerged as the favorite to win the Presidency. With two top five parties in his column and running as the sitting Vice President, Keating looks like a strong contender to win the Presidency in a field void of experienced politicians. This has proved to be the only viable ticket containing serious civilian candidates in this race.

Technician Starting Odds- 4:1

He is the strongest threat to Keating and was considered the front runner until the surprise union of two opposing parties. While the AMP is considered stronger than the Federalists and Libertarians, their combined forces could overcome his support base. He is also an unknown political quantity and will need overwhelming military support to make up this deficit. His choice of Sir Valaro Volcrum as Vice President also cements this as a clear military ticket. He is also supported by three minor parties.

Speedcat McNasty Starting Odds- 10:1

Considered the early front-runner, McNasty made a surprise exit from the race and has quit the game. Despite this, the USWP Party President failed to pick a new candidate. The sheer size and voting power of this party makes McNasty a threat even without running a serious campaign. It is not outside of the realm of possibility that he could pull off a surprise win. Three minor parties are also in his column.

cccimelihmessiccc Starting Odds- 25:1

Despite the decline of INCI in recent weeks in the eUS, they still regularly exchange places with the USWP for the position of largest party. In a split field there is a possibility that their candidate could win. However, it is unlikely that Americans will vote for a Turkish candidate so it is a longshot. The language barrier and growing distrust of INCI is likely to see their candidate considered a PTO threat should he take a lead at any point.

Thedillpickl Starting Odds- 100:1

By far the most unlikely to win the Election, his party is considerably weaker than the others supporting his rivals. It would take a first rate campaign and an eMiracle for him to emerge as the next President of the eUnited States. He is supported by one minor party.