Presidential debate on dying babies - CDV/Fragreg offer to the table (UPDATE)

Day 806, 18:43 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux
(Update) In response to the angry, yeah, angry is a correct word, outburst from my fellow comrades from FUP, and for the viewing pleasure of all those who were not in the channel, here is the FULL UNABRIDGED irc log of which we debated about initially dying babies...before my dear 'friend' vikta decided to divert to the noveras-ww88 debate. I don't see how i have misquoted anyone. i was debating with nevven - so, his comments carried more weight.


As for gen-tiger, i won't hide it. This IS a campaign article where i outlined my stand more clearly to tackle the dying babies issue. What do you expect? Pretend it to be an impartial 3rd party? Pretend that for unity, i don't want win? I do agree nevven have a point about the multi - i agreed during the debate, and i quoted him on that too. I did not try to be negative, but merely putting forth the positive side of my arguments.

As for Vikta - mate, i don't know what got into you for that 'rage' or 'outburst'. I did not misquote you or put it out of context. I don't deserved to be attacked personally nor insulted in the way you did. I put my ideas on how to make this eCountry more fun to everyone - i spend hours thinking,typing and doing my research on it - and this is the sort of attitude/BS i have to deal with? Honestly. Screw it. I shall not dignify your profanity with more rebuttals. You can eat cake.


It is unfortunate that no one in the media reported a brief presidential candidates debate between myself, nevven, vikta and gen-tiger in the irc room yesterday. The topic we discussed/debated about what's about 'dying babies'. If you are a frequent reader of this newspaper, you would know that newbies, education and citizen retention have always been a strong passion of mine. Let's recap a little:

►4 days ago - the mystery of missing babies
►16 days ago - A question to the Social Minister with regards to newbies wellness
►23 days ago - Different e-characters for eMalaysians
►26 days ago - Gifting / Anti-wasteland private charity programme for newbies proposal
►2 months ago (first published 5-6 months ago) - Newbie guide 101 for level 5 and beyond updated!

Many others in months before that as well, including the award-winning (literally, thanks FUP!) CDV's Social/Education programme for eMalaysia (then called FRoSEA). Undoubtly, I can bring fresh ideas on the table. Yes, thus far, the implemention of the Education programme is still in its stillborn infancy. More work needed to be done towards completing more of this sort of useful guides/education modules. towards this, i am enlisting within my CP team a dedicated Education Minister (finally!).

Back to the debate yesterday, despite my attempts to explain my vision of an improved Social and Education ministry as well as how as govt/nation we can induce more activity/fun for citizen retention - the replies i got from nevven,Vikta and gen-tiger were:

DirtyVikta: imo there is nothing we can do about dying babies.
@nevvven: Many multis who are abandoned
@nevvven: but do you bring anything new to the tale? (table)


well, our babies are dying. the game as it is can be boring and there are only so much one group of people can do. My simple plan - the thrust of my presidency is hopefully to increase activity/fun in eMalaysia in such, babies who come along (from babyboom or not) will be retained. During the debate, i sort of outlined what my ideas are - but they are pending on the different people i am trying to recruit to the cause. The thrust of it is... eMalaysia gotta be FUN!!
how can we go about doing that? well, in addition to the excellent work done by the Social office currently (which I will attempt to improve), the idea is to set up infrastructure and guidances on what a newbie can do in eWorld.

The tentative plan is to increase activity via FOUR areas:
► 4. MEDIA/eDBP/School of Journalism

As we are still developing these plans with people who are keen to work with me to make life in eMalaysia better (and more fun), i cannot elaborate too much at this stage. I will attempt to give one example.


My plan is to continue the good effort of the present government, under the leadership of eXom7, pantherthug, liquid oxygen, natamhanjing and fragreg, to streamline our military and structure them into manageable smaller platoons/squadrons. The key difference though, is to utilise these supposedly functional structure of military, to generate activity internally within the military and as a nation.

Check out the Tuah Squadron, a brainchild of natamhanjing and me, during a random irc chat. the objective is to empower squadron leaders to setup in-game org as a mode of communication, as well as a hub of activity. Commands can be send out through org (making life much easier) and distribution of weapons can be handled through the same channel. In terms of increasing activity, squadrons are encouraged to use their own avatars and inter-platoon competitions will be organised to increase activity. For example: which platoon can have 5 members posting in a specific article/forum post...or something like that. These will be government or privately funded. Real military missions might be encouraged. For example, Tuah Squadron attempted to distribute order/weapons and tracked damage of its members during the Estonia defence and the South-Africa defence. Squads or newbies with highest damage for example, can be rewarded/honoured. My government, through military leaders' recommendation will institute an honour system, where medals /titles will be awarded for excellent performances/services.

With cooperation with the military training corp - graduates from the training squadron will be assigned to existing squad leaders. ANother feature i am thinking about is the compulsory drafting of newbies. i.e. under the leadership of pantherthug, we can train 2-3 co-trainers, in which ALL newbies beyond level 5 will be PMed and assigned to a platoon. this might involve some work, and i need the military support on such ideas. The concept behind this is to have very active platoon leaders to keep his/her members active/connected/involved through PMs and so forth.

Too ambitious? Maybe. Possible - only with your support and help! DPP, FUP, AC, PR ..and everyone!x Support me, vote for me!

2nd issue (briefly) that nevven brought up was the placement of Q5 Hospital in Sarawak, and he noted that "we need a vote on that in congress asap". It's true, we have not voted on it..but the discussion were started not long after the Indo peace deal with spykerman, nicholas2000, fragreg all making very good points/reasoning for and against. nevven might not notice - that 4 days ago, I have put the vote proposal up in the Congress main hall. So, congressmen - please do your duties and vote on the proposal to place a Q5 hospital in Sarawak.

Hail eMalaysia!

Vote for CDV for Presidency.

ps: If you are DPP, a quick hint for you. My first avatar is Emmanuel Chriqui. 🙂 The entries for the DPP Homeless Project is still open...send in your answers today!! (we have 3 houses to give awya but only 2 entries so far. LOL)

At your service, (sedia berkhidmat)
Carr de Vaux
5th term DPP Congressman for Peninsular Malaysia

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