Presidential Campaign - New Resources, New Challenges

Day 1,107, 03:11 Published in Japan Japan by KITA Ikki

Running for eJapan Country President

There are many problems facing eJapan today. Frequent game mechanics changes have chased many players away from the game, leading to historically low citizen activity levels. There is also the ongoing threat of a foreign political takeover of our government through the troubling growth of suspicious "new citizens." Lastly, our military needs a boost.

Due to unfortunate circumstances, I am not running on the Imperial Sun Party ticket. A successful political take over by Calon Rakyat Jelata has installed someone willing to nominate him for ISP country president candidate. Therefore, I will run on the Vongola Family party ticket. There will probably be three or four candidates for eJapan CP, and I encourage voters to ignore the party designations and judge candidates based on their merit and plans.

eJapanese rally on Yamanote-Doori in Neo-Tokyo



III. THE PTOhhhhhs....


We are learning how to kick people harder from the eSouth Koreans

Current Minister of Defense Alfred Ball has done a good job keeping the public informed about current Japanese Imperial Army (JIA) operations via his newspaper, but I would like to bring back the old JIA orgs and make official statements. He has also done a good job promoting ideas on how to get eJapan's military to a point where it is capable of participating more effectively in operations.

However, he cannot do it all on his own! Like the old v1 wall, the current battle system still rewards to some degree active soldiers who are able to push the battle influence back at the last second. Now, however, instead of one last second rush at the end of 24 hours, the battle is broken up into two hour rounds, leading to more chances to get battle hero medals as well as lose a few rounds, then come back and win the battle in later rounds. Even if the Minister of Defense gets orders out, there must be eJapanese soldiers willing to get online, receive weapons and food distribution as necessary, and fight at the right times.

If elected, a priority of my administration would be to streamline weapon distribution so there are always stocked/well-funded orgs online if/when an important battle breaks out.

II. ECONOMIC POLICY or "Finally eJapan has some fish!"

We must protect our fish from the foreigners who wish to kill them

In the new resource distribution, eJapan has received fruit (Chugoku, Kinki), deer (Hokkaido, Chubu), and fish (Tohoku, Kyushu). We lost our grain resources. However, this is not as crippling as in the past: the old high-medium-low raw materials paradigm is gone. No longer do raw material companies need to be in the region with the high resource in order to get the bonus. As long as the country possesses a region with oil/grain/iron, the entire country gets the bonus, which is now only 25% over the normal rate. So eJapanese grain companies can still produce grain, but they will do so at a 25% production disadvantage compared to those companies in countries which have the grain resource.

In the interest of full disclosure, if elected, one of my foreign policy goals will be to reacquire the island of Jeju for eJapan. Jeju now has the grain resource, which will help our grain producers maintain an advantage in the world markets. Business owners and grain workers, take note: there is already a movement in congress to compensate for our lost grain by dropping the import tax. This will affect your business and possibly your salaries.

Fortunately, eSouth Korea has multiple regions with the grain resource, so I will pursue a diplomatic solution with their government. As we have seen in the past battle for Jeju, it is nearly impossible to hold a non-native region without consent of the locals, and even with the consent, if both lender and lendee are weak. There are simply too many high-strength resistance war medal hunters out there. If we can make a deal with the eSK community on Jeju, holding on to an eJapanese-controlled Jeju would become the main priority of the military.


"Win if you can, lose if you must, but ALWAYS cheat!" - Jesse Ventura, Governor of Minnesota, 1999-2003 and Sexual Tyrannosaurus

Generally speaking, I find the constant "OMG PTO" talk to be alarmist and you will find articles critical of this in my newspaper. However, given recent interference in the party elections of my own party, the Imperial Sun Party (ISP), the subject needs to be addressed. Although the Imperial Sun Party has survived outside interference in the past, and indeed so has eJapan, this time appears to be one of the most brazen attempts to commit election fraud. There really are some players who will generate literally dozens if not hundreds of "multi" accounts in order to disenfranchise the other players. Please see the graph below, this information also available at:

As you can see from the graph, eJapan's "New Citizens" have some very suspicious spikes before elections, and in some cases coincidental with the battles that allow creators of multis to level them up to voting ability very quickly. Since eJapan's population is relatively small and elections are often decided by just a few votes, the creation of 55 "new citizens," as occured on November 28th, can seriously unbalance the election. I call on the Admin to take stronger action than temporary bans against this obvious fraudulent behavior and permanently ban those involved and those who benefit from the use of multiple accounts. I also hope that existing "real" eJapanese will support me in the election on December 5th in turning back this tide.

I will discuss the cabinet in the next article, to be published later. Thank you for your time!