Presidental Update 8/24/09

Day 643, 08:17 Published in USA USA by Emerick

We have a few items to cover today: I opened a battle, new treaty on the table, issues with Flying Unicorn, and America's economic health.

I just attacked Alabama
Why? Because we're having a serious outhouse shortage. This is no laughing matter. Florida sucks. Between the crocodiles, Hispanic rappers, and>Justinious McWalburgson III asking to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas every day, I'm sick of it. And Maine? Don't even get me started on the New Englanders.

But seriously, we have the initiative in both open wars with our bordering belligerents, so why not? It'll give us training, get wellness up, and be fun. I was planning to attack Georgia, but when Military Vizier Harlot suggested Alabama, I decided to take his advice. So let's reclaim our outhouses once and for all.

Some people might think that this might conflict with the recent announcements from Indonesia, Portugal, Russia, and Hungary about their willingness to sign the new peace treaty, but it doesn't. We don't have a cease-fire agreement. The new treaty is in congress right now, and they're discussing it.

The treaty is basically the same as the last one, with one major difference- Russia wants New Jersey. Here's an outline of it:
-California and Hawaii to Indonesia, Alaska to Hungary, and New Jersey to Russia. The fine for re-acquiring these regions is 5000g
-All other regions will be purchased from their current holder at the following rate: 300g for high raw material regions, and 200g for all others
-We have 4 months to pay all fees and fines
-We will sign peace with France, Portugal, Indonesia, Russia, and Hungary
-We will have a four month non-aggression pact with those same countries

Flying Unicorn Woes
The Flying Unicorn is tired, folks. On the day that New Jersey fell, its inbox was flooded with over one thousands requests. We just don't have the money to send everyone two moving tickets. That would cost hundreds of gold. To anyone still trapped behind enemy lines: I'm sorry, but we can't afford to send you all tickets. If you're stuck in Russia or any other enemy territory, I suggest that you just get a job for 3 days, buy moving tickets, and get out. That brings me to another suggestion for our citizens:

Moving out of the US
As a lot of you probably know, wages are down, but prices on most products haven't changed, except, of course, moving tickets. The sad fact is that we just don't have enough companies to take everyone and pay them desirable wages. So it would probably be best for a lot of our citizens to move to more economically stable countries. Greece is very open to our refugees right now, and I strongly suggest that land workers move there to work in their plentiful iron mines. Manufacturing workers may also want to move there, but any of our allied countries would be happy to take you.

A lot of people are considering opening iron companies. Here's a quick tip on how to transport your raw materials from you to any buyer anywhere in the world- set your products for sale on the market and buy them with your org. Then you can donate the RM to any company anywhere in the world without an export license. It's a trick that a lot of big companies use, that you smaller business owners might want to try out. The trick, though, is finding a buyer.

Help finding your refuge country
First, and most importantly, your refuge country needs to have an Alliance with us. To find out, check the>Military Page by hovering over Info and selecting Military Stats. Scroll down past our many wars to see our Alliance list. Choose one of those countries. Many people have voiced that they wanted to move to Australia. While Australia is a great country that also happens to speak English, we do not have an MPP(Mutual Protection Pact or Alliance) with them.

Second, if you're a land worker, then I highly suggest you choose Greece for reasons stated above. If you've chosen another career path, you could go to Canada, Romania, Sweden, Poland, Croatia, Spain. Basically anywhere that is involved in MPPs. Our Canadian brethren are just now getting back on their feet, and I'm sure they could use the extra workers.

I've heard that Sweden, Romania, and Greece are paying construction workers quite well, so if you've gone down that path, I'll suggest there.

To move, buy a moving ticket from the marketplace. If you're moving from America to an ally, you only need one. If you're moving from an enemy to an ally, you'll need two, since you'll have to bounce off of a neutral state like Peru, Australia, or Japan.

Times are tough, America, and with hard times comes ingenuity. We'll have to be clever if we want to make it through these hardships. We'll have to work together if we want to create a better future. We'll have to help our newcomers as they step into the greatest test of American fortitude. And most importantly, we'll need our outhouses.
And>Cotton Eye Joe