Presidental candidate: A.Emmerich

Day 1,535, 23:10 Published in Austria Austria by A.Emmerich

Greetings eAustria’s citizens!

As you know I will candidate again for the february country presidency term. I was asked for a fair and clear battle. However, in the background I was accused for spying on the opponent party, and other misstatements also happened in articles, comments and in messages about me I don’t call ’fair’. Let me state one thing: I know that I was not the best president of this country ever, but I do not even want to compare myself to some old legends of this country. I’m the president of stability and peace. Nothing more.

Compared to others..
I do not talk only in general about things what sounds cool when I need to gain voters, but the game mechanics or politics make it impossible to achieve.

I will not ask the citizens of this country about what alliance they want to belong, no, I admit it that I won’t do that. We are pro-ONE country and stay that way, because it’s the key for our survival. I even find it dangerous to imply our naiv and newbie players that we could vote about what alliance we want to be in these times. It was an extremely stupid and imprudent part of Vreath’s campaign article.

I don’t promise glass government, cause we have one like that. Citizens were informed about everything in our media so far, in presidental announcements and in other articles. It is just not the cabinet’s fault that some of them don’t read it, or that newbie players do not know about past happenings. We can’t and won’t repeat every old document always. Everyone who asked me personally about something alway got his answer in a PM only in a few hours! Keep in mind that mass PM-ing is against the rules. An american politician just got banned for it in the previous months. Fact that there were more informative articles this month then in the previous ones! OEBenrd, me and Rangeley too wrote articles about government decisions and updates. Vreath was our MoFA, but he didn’t write a single article.. Why is that? Why does he write article only when he wants to become a president?

I don’t promise to make our banks and reserves status or other internal information public either. Our financial boss, Erdoni, makes an excellent job and gained high profit for the country with some financial methods. How much, and how does he do it? It’s just not public. One who is curious can apply for a job in the Ministry of Finance and can learn that, or ask Erdoni himself, but we will just not show the world our internal informations!

I don’t promise that since now I won’t use my newspaper for announcements as it was Vreath’s problem. As Vreath knows it too, newspapers are in the organizations. We have strict rules about who has access and to which organizations. We have these rules for security reasons as we keep golds and other stuff in orgs, and I will not change these rules just to post some articles in governmental newspapers. So yes, you can expect announcements in my own newspaper.

It’s not hard to write well sounding promises to gain voters, but is it fair towards our community? Anyone now or in future, who make a campaign with false promises, with promises which impossible, or simply stupidity to keep must fail, or our country will fail, and we should take that seriously.

What do I promise? Stability. Things will go on as they went on in the previous months. Why should we drop long months of politics for hardly questionable changes?

Website and recruiting..
This month our facebook recruiting campaign was not too popular among our members, so next term I will coordinate it myself. Helpers will be rewarded from my own money. Our website can be finished and included to this campaign. We still have some texts to translate, but that can be done shortly if there will be applicants to do it. After the website is finished german speakers will need to write articles we are going to send to IRL austrian websites to publicize it. Hopefully this can result in a smaller/bigger baby boom here. To do this ASAP, helpers of this will get money for their work. Please note, that other countries did the same process in past to create a baby boom.

Extremists and imported voters..
Vreath mentioned in his campaign the extremist kuruc who wrote a racist article. He was right that it is unacceptable, and will be unacceptable in this country in future too. Our luck or no, time will tell us, but some of the kuruces have already gone back to eHungary, some more are thinking on it. Our cabinet made a decision about them long ago, but we didn’t check them personally, nor we do any other CS applicants. That will change in next term, but it’s a pain for me, that after three weeks after our cabinet, inlcuding Vreath, who voted with yes, and Balkan, made a decision about them, so only after three weeks they voice their revulsions. Why is that? Maybe it is only because of the campaign? Why didn’t they write a single article that time, three weeks ago?

I want to make it clear: We will give no ground to extremists inside our country. To noone! And this is the point where we need to take a look on another problem. In the last days I made some research on our immigrants and I had an interesting result.

Long ago Balkan Beast joined our country. We knew that he is an extremist, a strasserist or what. It’s some kind of leftish, communism friendly nazism. Yes, yes Balkan is laughing now, but sorry I am not a big pro in this theme. So, everyone feel free to google it or check it on wiki:

Balkan then had a party, the ASM. After he joined our country more and more his friends came here as well. Seeing this, a previous cabinet (so, not mine) of this country stopped the immigration of Balkan’s friends. Immigrations continued of course for those who did not sign that. However, as immigrations continued the ASM had more and more members. Currently the 1/3 (33😵 of ASM are immigrants who joined our country since Balkan is here, so only in the past 2-3 months!! About 50% of the individual immigrants who stayed in eAustria are now in ASM. On our national forum I also found a pair of multi accounts. Not sure if they are directly linked to the same named ingame characters, but guess what.. both players are members of ASM ingame. Is this all only unfortunate? Or something is preparing? Not sure..

This and the kuruc issue made it clear that we have serious problems with our immigration policy. That’s why next term we will implent some changes on how to accept new players. Our old CS form will stay in service, but maybe with some edits. The change will be the fact that we will check all applicants’ past. We will check their friendlist, newspapers and comments randomly, we will contact his/her previous countries’ governments, party presidents and ask more and more information about the applicant. Who will do that? Even me, if noone wants it..

I can promise to everyone that extremists, thieves and cheaters will not be allowed to enter our country in future, at least not in my term! Not anymore! eAustria is a small nation with a few hundred citizens, but this not means that everyone, every single medal hunter or thief can get a party and then later become a country president here and can empty our orgs, like in past happened! This shall be a sign to everyone of those outside and inside this country, that whatever they do, whoever they get into this country or influence people here, they will not be allowed to take us over!

Do not give yourself for cheap propaganda! I don’t tell you general ideas. I don’t tell you false promises. I don’t tell you that if you elect me everything will be the greatest and you’ll see things in pink. But..

I give you solutions, and I give you stability. Vote for me!

Country President

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