Power to the Players!

Day 1,128, 03:00 Published in Australia Australia by Imperator Major Domus

Dear peoples, players of eRepublik. I'm writing this because like most of you I'm tired and angry of those stupid changes and updates. Admins don't care about us at all, but we are this game, without players game can't exist.

There is only one solution for this. We have to get admins attention by ruining game even more than they do.

Lets stop all wars!

Yes, lets sign peace between each other. I don't care you are from EDEN or Phoenix, no matters who is winning admin is still making game worst and worst, we all losing players because of them.
If we are all losing, that means we are fighting against wrong enemy.

My plan is simple – Presidents around the worls will sign peace and close all open wars. Sooner or later we will get attention. We will start wars again only after our demands will be fulfil.

We are demanding:

* Leave organisations alone. And bring back economy module as it was week ago.
* Bring back old MPP rule.
* Bring back retreat button.
* Remove auto attack.
* Set limit for wellness packs.
* Freedom of press.

Admins may delete this article. So if you agree with me, if you will joint this Great Boycott – Please copy this text and publish from your newspaper, if you can please translate it into your language.

Citizens – I know it will be boring without wars, but we are doing this to make game better. We all hate admins. We are united by hate. If you are from Serbia or Croatia, Turkey or Greece, Romania or Hungary. Do you really enjoy this pointless fight without any winnings? No matters how many times you will occupie each other if we don't do anything game will become worst and worst. We must act. So forget your anger on each other, for a moment please.
Vote for president who will offer peace for enemies and war for admins!

Businessmans – I know it will be hard without any wars there will be no one buying products. But admins are killing you even more. Most of you have organisations, most of you have companies in other countries. So please join me. Together we can make this game better!

Please inform every president about this.