POTUS Quotes

Day 922, 18:38 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

In real life a lot is made out of the quotes of famous people, including presidents. People memorize their quotes and try to shape their lives around them. Some even have a particular quote they repeat to themselves daily. Quite frankly if you do that you probably suck, but I digress. So below is my eRep version of POTUS quotes. Since I began playing the game, I have experienced seven different presidents. Tonight, I will present to you quotes from Emerick, Josh Frost, and Gaius Julius. At a later date I will do the other four. All of these quotes have been taken from their newspapers and I have included a link next to each quote to show that I am not making anything up. So lets dive in:

"I run a real party, with real objectives and real organization, we are active and strive for perfection, and we keep our members satisfied." link

"Oh god. Oh, yes. Your rage is delicious. More, GLaDOS. Give me more. I drink it up, GLaDOS, I drink up your rage." link

"We've been chaotic for far too long. We've had our fun, we've had our Ajay and Lewis(heil the Savior), now we need to get down to serious business. This is not a game. Gone are the days of petty squabbling amongst ourselves, chaos in the streets, cats and dogs living with each other. We need to organize if we want to succeed at anything, America." link

"It's one thing to be individualistic, but another to be clawing at everyone who glances in your direction. America, we need to come together as one over something" link

"Times are tough, America, and with hard times comes ingenuity. We'll have to be clever if we want to make it through these hardships. We'll have to work together if we want to create a better future. We'll have to help our newcomers as they step into the greatest test of American fortitude. link

"I won't cry for you Brazil...
The truth is I never left you...
All through my wild days...
My mad existence...
I kept my promise...
Don't keep your distance.." link

"When America was pushed to the brink and down to one state and all hope was lost it was YOU that fought back and pushed the Indonesians into the sea. YOU pushed the Russians, the French, Colombians, and finally the Hungarians out after that. When it came time to go into Asia, you pushed out the Iranians and the Indonesians." link

"Max McFarland he gets shit done” link

“When I speak of change, I am not merely speaking of simple changes of the way government departments are run or how we enact policy. We need to repaint the American canvas with a broad brush. We need to reinvent ourselves from the ground up." link

"Well, because their is no sport in conquering little countries no matter how misguided they are. We are also intelligent and thoughtful enough to realize that the true key to victory in this war isn't about taking pawns, but about attacking the opposing players' King and Queen.” link

"My answer is simple, the best effective alliance is one that brings together stronger nations with uncompromising ideals and a appreciation for liberty and weaker nations looking to grow and become future powers.” link

"I am firmly against Imperialistic actions taken by any state, including the US. Imperialism in eRepublik has proven to have a negative impact for everyone in the long haul. Furthermore I believe that no country has the right to impose its way of life or its practices on another nation" link

"The eUS has the greater potential than any nation, we can not and must not be defeated. We are the guardians of liberty and justice, it is our obligation to commit ourselves fully to this cause." link

"So this morning I woke up thinking "oh today should be a calm day"... I think I was wrong.” link

"Well the answer is simple, foreign relations is nothing more than controlled anarchy. What matters is who tries to manage this anarchy, who gives up and how we apply the lessons we learn. The eUS is really good at learning lesson the hard way on the second or third time around" link

Well that is all for now. I hope you either laughed or were inspired. Who knows maybe you were an all-star and both occurred. Thanks for reading. Until next time.....

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak