Populist Bro's Putting Words in Critically's Mouth

Day 1,352, 12:48 Published in Belgium Belgium by Konrad Neumann

This is my first article since I returned and for the most and it will address a few issues. In the month of March I quit the game. I was angry at some aspects of the game and I quit. I did not expect to come back to the game at all and to be honest, I did not comeback for the sake of the game. I met a great person on the IRC where we shared many RL issues and problems. He really wanted me to play and out of my caring for him and for the benefit of mutual support and friendship, that is why I rejoined. I maybe am hypocrite. A happy hypocrite for I am getting eMarried to him soon 🙂

During this time I do want to thank Caroline the coolest and kindest mod for her friendship and kindness. I also appreciate Prophexy, Monsieur Guillontine, mittekemuis, Pieter, Critically, NLSP, Jofroi and Abes182 in the past few days, helping me adjust to the many changes.

With that out of the way, I want to talk about the presidential election in eBelgium. For the most part, both Critically and Jamster's manifesto are pretty similar. It is pretty standard fare as there are a lot of rhetoric about what their vision of eBelgium is. eBe needs a good education system. eBe needs immigration policies to prevent PTOs etc. The main issue that makes Critically and Jamster different is the issue of a merger.

Critically and the ATO wants to have a merger potentially with the Netherlands. What I think is most problematic with Jamster's manifesto and Shadow's position is that they equate a merger is the sacrifice and giving up of sovereignty. If we look at what Jamster wrote, I see a few issues that it is problematic and a bit cheap...

" Above all else we must remain independent i have heard that some members support a merge with the Netherlands and I am 100% against it ! I love this eCountry. I am proud of it. I am proud to be eBelgian and it would break my heart to see us become a part of the Netherlands. We have all seen how the Dutch way of dealing with things has le😛 After 4 months, they are still occupied by Poland. A merge would be horrible for Belgium destroying our parties, our BTA, our neutrality and our very identity and I for one will not let that happen!"

Jamster stated that he loves his eCountry and that he is proud of it and giving that up would be a shame. While his language is evoking nationalist and normative feelings, why does a merger suggest one to give up the feelings of being eBelgian? In the times of the eUNL, was the Belgians ashamed of themselves or the country? Also with the issue of the Dutch problem with Poland. In my opinion, this is not a fair assessment for a small country like eNetherlands are no match for an empire like Poland. Netherlands have something that the Poles want and if the Poles wants something, they can just take it. This applies to Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany and many others. To say the Dutch are problematic since they did not liberate their cores against the Poles is a bit of a cheap shot.

Likewise, we can see what Shadow wrote,

"In Critically's manifesto's it's written very clearly: He (just like his party members) want us to merge with the Netherlands. He wants us to become a Dutch region. We, Bro's Before Ho's simply cannot support a president that doesn't even support his own country's sovereignty. A president that wants to give us over to the Dutch. We are eBelgium. If we wanted to be eDutch, we would have joined up in eNL. The players who joined up, joined up for eBelgium. Not eNetherlands. Bro’s B4 Ho’s opposes any form of merge with eNetherlands. I like Critically as a person very much, but I cannot support a president that does not respect our independence."

I see nothing here but pure populism. Shadow speaks as of Critically as some kind of a Dutch agent who is bent on PTOing eBelgium and will make eBE a part of Greater Netherlands. If we look at Critically's manifesto, he stated,

"And as you maybe know, I am in favor of a merge. I want my MoFA together with me and the Congress discuss of the possibility of this. A merge could give us more power in the eWorld, military and economical! But there should be discussed much more about this issue!!!"

First Critically did not state which country. Even more importantly, Critically states that he is in favor of a merger. He never said the conditions of the terms and he definitely did not say he will make eBelgium part of the eDutch. All he implies is that he wants a merger between the two country. While Shadow makes it sound like this is a surrender of sovereignty and independence, many merger unless it is through military conquest is based on diplomacy and mutual consent of both sides. It could be eUNL or it can be eUBE or something else, but it is not as Shadow states " does not respect our independence." For indeed if our future path is that of a merger, we entered it base on the will of the people who elects the candidates into office etc. It will be eBE and eNL own choice to enter in any union. To say such a union violates eBE sovereignty and independence is really problematic.

Just because I do not like this populist style of politics, I think Critically is the better candidate. I have nothing but respect for Jamester, and maybe he is a bit unlucky with BfB which forces him to be in Bro's B4 Ho's but I think the independence section of his manifesto, very problematic to a point that almost tries to fool or manipulate the meanings and intent of Critically. While this is politics, I would prefer Jamster to argue more of his position with a quantitative and qualitative analysis instead of the apocalyptical view of the death of eBelgium.

As of now I will support and vote for Critically. I know what Monsieur Guillontine and the BCP's position on this but I think base on this fact, Critically is more ideal for eBelgium. While in the end both candidates are good friends of mine and will do a good job. Overall base on looking at the manifesto alone, I have more confidence in Critically and his style of doing politics.

Konrad Neumann
-German President x3
-Officer of Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw (Political dedication and service)
-Knight of Orde van Oranje Nassau (Societal dedication and service)
-15 time congressman
-Advisor to the Raidoh Administration
-Former Minister of Interior of Netherlands
-Former Minister Foreign Affairs of Netherlands
-Former Party President of Green Liberal Democrats [GLD]
-Former Party President of Open Minded Germany [OMG]
-Retired Emeritus of the now defunct Phoenix
-Co-Author of the Frankfurt Treaty
-One of the negotiator, author of the Phoenix alliance under then President Donnie Bronco
-Vice/MoFA of eGermany from August to January
-Former eGerman ambassador to eAustralia, eUK, and UNL