Population Statistics 25th April

Day 887, 09:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to an insane world war edition of eWorld Population Stats!

For new readers of my article

I have used this website to get accurate stats. The population shown below are from the server reset time on Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.


Link to Part 1 of the table
Link to Part 2 of the table
Link to Part 3 of the table

Link to full table! (Might be a bit smaller)

Over the last few days we have witnessed some very important battles taking place and some of these regions have switched hands. As stated above these are the figures are from server reset time and some battles of high importance have concluded since then.


The best performing country this week is France. As many of you will now France a few months ago was non existent due to the Polish, Spanish and the Americans (to an extent). With the help of Phoenix and Entente France now have all but 2 of their regions back. The only two regions they are missing are Aquitaine and Rhone Alps. However, Rhone Alps was successfully snatched by ally Slovenia with the help of MPPs and now looks set to be given back to France soon. This week France gained 2037 new citizens and moved up 1 place to be 19th on the list and also have a growth of 37.18%. Congratulations France! 🙂


The loser this week is obviously Poland. No other country has a better reason than Poland to be loser this week. Looking at the stats you could see that Poland lost 12449 citizens this week. This is the biggest loss from one country in a seven day period ever. To show how significant that figure is..if you put all of those lost citizens in one country you would have the 12th most highest country by population. The reason behind the massive loss of citizens is because Poland lost three key battles. Rhone Alps - 9500 Citizens, Berlin - 2500 Citizens and Pomerania - 3500 citizens. That equals to 15500 citizens who will now have to move back to Poland. It already seems as if some of the Polish have moved back to Poland but it's too early to say how these losses will affect them in the long term. Concluding the stats for Poland they stayed in number 1 spot but had a growth of -24.32%


As per suggestion in my last article I have changed from line graphs to bar graphs to show the blips in the data easier.

As you can see from this graph the top 20 countries are shown. Using this graph you can clearly identify where the biggest changes are. Significant blips are explained briefly below:
- Poland - Lost 3 key regions + Losing baby accounts
- Russia - Gained Polish Region
- Indonesia - Baby boom
- Slovenia - Gained very important Polish region
- France - Baby boom

The only blip that is significant on this graph is South Africa. South Africa have lost citizens this week as many of the people who were in the country last week were people from Eden trying to liberate Limpopo.

The majority of the countries on this map have gained a few citizens since last week. The change is usually between 50-100. I think that this is because it's the 25th and its Congress election day. This could mean either people trying to PTO smaller countries or their armies returning home to vote.

Other Notes

- Big Congrats to the Countries that gained over 2000 Citizens this week. These countries are Russia, Slovenia and France. Congrats to the countries who gained over 1000 citizens which were Serbia, Indonesia, Greece and China.

- With Poland not having any high resource regions anymore it could look grim for their population. Many of their citizens have land skill and with no high resource regions to work in it will cripple their economy. This will also lead to a higher demand for products that they might not be able to produce.

- Indonesia moved up 2 places to be 5th on the list. Congratulations!

- Overall this week the new world gained 12581 Citizens with a growth of 3.41%. Yay for an overall increase in citizens for once! 😃

Quick Stats

Biggest Population Change
Slovenia + 8081 Citizens
Poland - 12449 Citizens

Biggest Rankings Change
Slovenia + 11 Ranks
South Africa - 9 Ranks

Highest Growth
Slovenia + 160.05%

Lowest Growth
South Africa - 41.21%


Congrats to Sigfred Zachariasen for winning last weeks contest. I will send you your Q3 Weapon as soon as I can find one on the market at a decent price. I used a random number generator to get the result.

As always be sure to Vote, Comment and Subscribe to this newspaper! A comment will give you a chance to win a Q3 Weapon next week! If you're really cool you'd shout this newspaper out so I get more votes and comments! 😃

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P.S. Look at this for Political Statistics of the eUK!