Population Statistics 20th June - War, War and more War!

Day 943, 09:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats!
Firstly I’d like to thank you all for voting my article up last week, I managed to reach the top 20 international for the first time! 😃 I will soon have 1000 subscribers. 😁

For new readers of my article

I have used this website to get accurate stats. The population shown below are from the server reset time on Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.

I also have another article series running that focuses on the population statistics of one country at the time. Click the links below to view them. To request a country go onto the latest article (eBrazil) and comment on which country I should view next.



Link to full table!

Click This table to see a bigger version of it.

This week we saw huge battles across Europe and Asia. Well, three key battles anyway. We have Aquitaine and Rhone Alps originally of France, being held by Spain and Liaoning originally of China, held by Serbia. Each of these fortress regions were hit this week in an attempt to liberate them. Firstly the Spanish regions were hit by France and Hungary; China took advantage of a lot of Phoenix damage being directed their and attacked Liaoning in an attempt to get back its high iron region. In the end what was one of the biggest wars in the history of the game. Phoenix was victorious both securing Liaonang and conquering Aquitaine and Rhone Alps.


The winner this week is Hungary. Of recent times Hungary haven’t had the best of luck, firstly the former super power lost Heilonjiang, a high Iron region which brought them a lot of money through taxes. Secondly Hungary nearly paid the price for activating a lot of MPPs in Europe with Croatia, Romania and Poland attacking them and getting them down to one region before failing to conquer them. This week Hungary; with the help of Austria and Switzerland managed to reach Rhone Alps and attack Spain 1v1 and won it convincingly. Winning this battle gives Hungary a high resource region and a lot more income. It is not as valuable as Heilonjiang but this region still makes them better off than countries such as Poland; which have no high resources. This week Hungary gained 1270 citizens moving up one place to be 7th. This gives them a growth rate of 8.86%. This is nowhere near the Hungary that was the biggest superpower a few months ago but if they manage to keep hold of Rhone Alps it could seriously help the country be seen as possibly the biggest damage dealer again.


The Loser this week is unfortunately Spain. As mentioned above Spain lost two regions of high importance this week. Both of these regions have a high wood resource which is considered the second most important resource behind Iron. To lose both of these regions is a major setback for not only Spain, but for Poland and the rest of EDEN. These two regions gave Spain a lot of money in taxes per day and it is obvious that the loss here will be felt over the next few weeks/months. As for the battles themselves Spain didn’t tank as much because they were ordered to sacrifice their damage for the big battle of Liaoning which would explain why the walls in Aquitaine and Rhone Alps were -300k and -1300k respectively. This week Spain lost 5397 citizens moving down two places to be 6th. They also had a contraction of 22.84% which is massive for a big country such as Spain. It has to be said though that some of this loss is a big over exaggerated because of all of the nearly dead citizens who are still in the two regions and all of the Land workers who moved back to Poland after Rhone Alps (which Poland used to own) was conquered. Unlucky Spain and hopefully you can start to move back up the list again soon. 🙂


As you can see from this graph the top 20 countries are shown. Using this graph you can clearly identify where the biggest changes are. Significant blips are explained briefly below:

Poland - Dead babies from baby boom
Serbia - Dead babies from baby boom
Brazil - Dead babies from baby boom
Spain – Lost two regions

There are no real significant blips in this graph. However, three countries; Australia, Peru and Bosnia have shown a bit of an increase this week. As these increases are between 200-400 citizens and with it being so close to congress elections I suspect some PTO attempts are behind these numbers.

The Countries that stand out from this graph are:
Austria – Gained regions from Hungary
Norway - Gained a region
Switzerland – Lost regions to Hungary

Active Citizens
Using a census website I was able to find the amount of citizens that are above 40 wellness and are currently employed. The table below gives us an opportunity to see which countries have high active rates. This also shows which baby booms have been effective and which have not.

- Estonia retains the highest active percentage this week at 61.68%. This is an increase of 1.62% from last week and this is because Estonia lost 50 citizens but only 9 active citizens. If Estonia ever got a baby boom they could seriously be a candidate for a top 10 spot on the population rankings.

- The lowest active citizen percentage is Israel with 21.35%. This means that only one in 5 citizens in Israel are active. The reason for this figure being so low is because Turkey recently conquered every one of Israel’s regions, this means that all the hospitals were destroyed which has a big effect on the health of "Two clickers".
- Poland move up to second in the total active population with Spain’s bad performance this week.

Other Notes

- Serbia has overtaken Brazil to be Second this week. Brazil are suffering the after effect of their baby boom.

- The gap between Poland and Serbia is 2917. I think it won’t be long until Serbia overtake Poland to be number 1. 😃

- Only France and Hungary gained over 1000 citizens this week. Congratulations!
- Eight Countries lost over 1000 citizens this week. These countries are Poland, Serbia, Brazil, USA, Spain, Indonesia, Romania and Croatia.

- Overall this week the new world lost 21774 Citizens with a contraction of -6.29 %. This is a big change from last week’s 9000 citizen loss and the reason for this is mainly due to dead babies from past baby booms.

Phoenix Versus EDEN

This section in my article look as the member count of each alliance, with both official and unofficial members included. Analysis of this is shown below.

These tables show the different countries in the two major Alliances Phoenix and EDEN. From this you can see that:

- The difference in population is 59192 in favour of Phoenix (Up 200 this week), however in active population this is only 22025 (up by 600). Even with a big decline occurring Phoenix are still doing better than EDEN.

- With the unofficial members the difference in population is 43787 in favour of Phoenix (Up by about 8000), active population is 14617 (Up by about 3000) in favour of Phoenix too. The success this week can be traced to France’s success in Aquitaine.
- Phoenix looks very strong even during a big decline. These figures just support the alliances success on the battlefield this week.

Quick Stats

These links direct to other tables, each of these tables show the top 5 of each category. 🙂

Biggest Population Change

Highest Growth and Contraction

Highest Active Citizens Count and Percentage


Congrats to Darko-Pasa for winning last weeks contest. I will send you your Q5 Weapon shortly. I used a random number generator to get the result. There were 67 unique comments this week, a record for my paper. 😃

As always be sure to Vote, Comment and Subscribe to this newspaper! A comment will give you a chance to win a Q5 Weapon next week! If you're really cool you'd shout this newspaper out so I get more votes and comments! 😃

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