Polish swaps delayed, UK attacks Ireland – Indonesian PTO succeeds in Australia.

Day 949, 17:26 Published in USA USA by Sossu
Newspaper name changed to something more international.

Day 949 comes up with a conclusion of one swapping mission while delaying another, as Spain and Italy finished their deal of dividing the Mexican oil regions, while Poland is still jammed in Scotland as broken game mechanics have delayed the Eden timetable of moving them to Northern America.

British attack on Ireland delays the land bridge.

After the failed Phoenix ploy of blocking Poland by swapping Netherlands through England, Poland consolidated their position with the help of the United States as both nations grabbed an English region from Netherlands who held no match against them. Eden mobile troops prevented the regions of North West of England and South West of England from being liberated in RW😒, resulting to the succeeding of the direct attacks. UK intercepted by taking back West Midlands from Netherlands, effectively ending the U.S campaign for now at least. Poland, who rather avoided confronting UK directly, waited for the 24 hours of initiative they got over UK after the victory in Scotland until finally launching a block on Northern Ireland. Their possession of NW of England gives them a possibility to attack English regions consecutively, blocking UK infinitely.

from yesterday to today, the presidents of the World suffered from inability to retreat battles, a bug that effectively failed the UK attempt of blocking Poland. In a hurry, Eden decided to defy the game mechanics wreckage and Ireland attacked Newfoundland & Labrador, relying that Canada could retreat just like UK was able to retreat their regions to Netherlands. Well, they couldn’t. The Irish attack on NFL&L continued for over 20 hours before the retreat finally went through.

The war launched by a chain reaction obeys the same rules than the declaration of war. The nation triggering MPP😒 and thus opening a war against a neighboring nation gets an initiative of 24 hours in the new, triggered war. If nation A borders nation C and attacks nation B who have a MPP with nation C, A gets an initiative of 24 hours over the nation C.
This delays the swappings as Ireland has to attack a Canadian region while bordering Poland, and after that attack, Poland has to wait for 24 hours before they are able to attack Ireland. Now, the Polish controlled Scotland doesn’t border any original Irish region (Ulster should belong to Ireland!), and the war would have went through, had Ireland attacked the Canadian region of Nunavut from NFL&L they occupied. This attack was however not carried out before UK attacked every single Irish region they could, including NFL&L which can’t be retreated.

UK took advantage of a game bug, as they were blocked by Poland in Northern Ireland and they had to retreat from there in order to launch attacks on Ireland. As we know, it takes a couple minutes for the region to change hands, but UK was freed from block before that and was able to launch illegal attacks on Northwest of Ireland, Shannon and Northeast of Ireland. Had the game worked like it was supposed to, UK would only have been able to attack Dublin, NFL&L and Southeast of Ireland.

The attacks are expected to turn out to be Irish victories as Eden is keen to safeguard the bridge point in Canada and will likely send mobile troops to help Ireland. Due to the attack on Canada, Irish MPP😒 were cancelled and they had to make new ones with nations who don’t have a MPP with Canada. The MPP with Peru went through before the British attack, and if UK attacks again, a MPP with Finland will be activated as well, narrowing the chances of success.

What is really important to Eden is to keep Poland free from blocks. Currently Netherlands are well underway of being ejected from the British Isles as there are RW😒 in every NL-controlled region. They might come bite Poland later, and this is why Eden wants to get the bridge active as fast as possible, to get Poland inside safe regions. Like said earlier, Poland can attack Wales at any point, and as the region is currently the only one bordering Ireland, UK can’t retreat it in case they want to launch additional attacks against the Irish.

War-torn British Isles, Day 949 16:45 eTime

Italy seals their deal with Spain, occupies South East of Mexico.

The absence of the retreat button delayed the Italic-Spanish deal from being concluded as well, but soon after the reappearance Italy attacked Spain and swapped their way through the mainland and Canary Isles in order to reach Mexico. While several RW😒 broke out on other Venezuelan-occupied Mexican regions, none was started in the Valley of Mexico, the Mexican capital region before Spain was able to launch an attack on it. They easily quelled Venezuelan resistance and occupied the oil region, now intending to keep it. Brazil attacked Colombia earlier, presumably trying to swap their way through and attack then-Spanish owned SEoM, maybe even invading it as they have Serbia and Hungary on their activated MPP-list, but the absence of the retreat option ruined their possible plan until it was too late.

The full contents of the Italic-Spanish deal haven’t reached the public eye, and there is for instance no confirmation of Spain guaranteeing to send help to Italy in case of a RW. Spain got an oil region as well, and that may be the only and final result of the deal.

Indonesian PTO rises in to power in Australia.

Infuriated by the loss of Western Australia, a region Indonesia held only for 3 weeks after obtaining it in a massive battle against Australian MPP😒, Indonesia began to form a plan of conquering the region by a more devious tactic, capturing the Australian political system and forcing the nation on their knees. Their plans were delayed after the Indonesian party was cleared from multiaccounts and dropped from top-5 by Admins, but this month Indonesia was successful as over 700 people voted 27 Indonesian candidates in to office, obtaining a supermajority. There have been loud cries of foul play in these elections as well due to the Australian population number being elevated just before the election day, but the 6 hour long confirmation time didn’t find any multis and Indonesians were given an overwhelming majority of the Australian congress.

A supermajority of over 66% control of the congress gives Indonesians the possibility to effectively rob the nation by donating all tax revenues to their own accounts, destroy the nations’ economy with killer tax hikes and impeach the Australian president, replacing him with an Indonesian who lost the elections 20 days ago. Australians don’t have any other choice but to start preparations of resistance warring the nation back in to existence if Indonesia conquers them completely. During the final hours in office, Australian president attacked Indonesian original regions, launching all MPP😒. Indonesia will probably not attack back however as they don’t want to open MPP😒 when there is an easier way. Either the soon-Indonesian president retreats as many regions as possible and lets Indonesia wipe Australia in a final battle, or the PTO:ers wait 15 days for the Australian-South African MPP to expire, declare war on SA and attack it to reverse the remaining Australian MPP😒. After that, Australia is nothing but a cherry waiting to be picked.