Polarity: The Impending Defeat of Phoenix and the Balance of Power

Day 1,080, 08:44 Published in USA USA by Zen Industries
First, a Story

"Relax, all right? My old man is a television repairman, he's got this ultimate set of tools. I can fix it."

This is a story of a dude. His name's unimportant but the story isn't. So the dude is living in a small world containing fifty or so other people. Dude is fairly happy but a bit insecure and lonely and is looking for some fun. We'll call this world and the few dozens of others in it the "Mutlipolar" world. So dude heads out to a local bar, ends up having a bit too much to drink and solicits some other dude's girlfriend.

Original Dude's so successful with his offering cash for a good time that girlfriend's dude starts a fight. Except that our hero, original dude, fights so damn well that he's kicking ass. Not liking the scene, a couple of other dudes in the bar join to help the suffering dude fight off the original dude. Original dude, facing rougher odds now, gets a couple of other dudes he knows to roll down and join the fight. Pretty soon almost everyone in town is divided up into two groups: original dude's and girlfriend's dude's. There are a few who decide not to take part in the fight, but they're unimportant, wimpy dudes so we'll ignore them. The brawl is fought to standoff and everyone goes home to sleep it off.

We'll now call this world the "Bipolar" world, where every detail is seen in an Original Dude v. Girlfriend Dude context, from who you hang with to who you work with to, yes, who you fight with. Bipolar world continues like this with additional rematches for night after night with neither side getting the upper hand. Finally, after one particularly nasty fight in which Original Dude's friends bring crowbars the Girlfriend's Dude's friends and he are beaten badly. So badly that they won't fight anymore.

We'll call this world the "Unipolar" world.

So what do original dude and his friends do now? Well, if original dude were Jeff Spicoli, he'd find some cool waves and a tasty buzz and call it a day.

Unfortunately for our hero he's not that smart.

Our Coming Predicament

"So what the hell are we supposed to do you moron?"

I've seen some discussion of what's going to happen in the eRepublik world once the Phoenix djinni is put back into the proverbial bottle. The signs are there: Russia, once fully occupied, still has no Congress and the current president has been banned. A full PTO of Russia is planned for tomorrow. Serbia has been kicked out of Asia once and for all. Indonesia, defanged months ago through the liberation of Australia, now faces imminent invasion by the USA. Brazil and Argentina were unceremoniously dumped from South Africa a while back. The UK is getting being put on the rack by Canada. We are in the end stages of a bipolar world. For all intents and purposes it will be a Unipolar world ruled by EDEN along with the USA/Brolliance.

Much like our hero, Original Dude in the story above, we're going to be facing a choice. And it's my expectation that we'll follow the traditional pattern of transition from a Unipolar system to a Multipolar system. There will be "gentlemen's agreements" between the victorious members of EDEN to try to keep a lid on tensions. This will only work for so long, however, as without a common enemy that the "Good Guys" (i.e., USA/Brolliance and EDEN) can focus on, tensions amongst the "Good Guys" are bound to mount.

Now, in the Real World this would be trouble, for multipolar systems produce the most amount of wars with the widest spread of damage. Fortunately in our little pretend world there is no damage, only PROFIT from war. So I say, bring on this final stage of the Phoenix endgame and bring it quickly so that we can begin the process of moving past the Unipolar world and onto the brave new exciting Multipolar world that is sure to come.

This could be the best thing to happen to eRepublik, ever. People complain of the growing apathy and disinterest in the game and point to the flight of experienced players as a sign of proof of growing apathy and disinterest. Chaos, in all its forms, brings opportunity. Opportunity for citizens of eRepublik of all kinds, old and new, politically connected and unconnected, to form structures and organizations heretofore unseen. Shall we be on top of the ball, ready to take advantage for our benefit? Will we find that tasty wave and cool buzz? Will we deliver the coup de grace with a toga party?

The Coming Challenge

"Put that coffee down. Coffee is for closers only."

Closers. Those who can get the deal done. Those who seal the victory. I was torn with posting a picture of SF Giants pitcher Brian Wilson here as opposed to a cut from Glengarry Glen Ross but I tire of the sports analogies. Point being: WE NEED CLOSERS IN THE USA.

By this I mean we need citizens to step up and take the opportunity being presented and guide our country into uncharted waters. Citizens who aren't afraid to take a chance. Citizens who complete the task. Close the deal.

It all starts in Indonesia. Close that out. We cannot move on to the next challenge without finishing our current one. After Indo is defeated we can identify the next immediate challenge. Hopefully we'll be able to call some friends to help us kick some ass.

Be a closer. Move the game.

E Pluribus Unum. From Many, One.

Together we have strength beyond measure.