Poland, We're Sorry

Day 848, 15:07 Published in Poland USA by Joe Newton

I'd like to apologize to you. We didn't fulfill our EDEN obligation to send troops to help you. Their may be multiple reasons behind that, but I'd like to express to you is how unwaivering the United States is to you, our ally.

The United States loves you and stands with you, forever. There may well be events in which we trip up and fail you, but we will rectify it. We will stand strong and fight along side the mighty Polish army again, and again, and again.

The United States will not rest until your faith in us is restored, I promise you. But don't simply take our word for it. Watch our actions. Let this be the first step towards a better relationship with EDEN and Poland.
Also, I'd like to apologize for any and all American trolling in your media. This is contrary to the popular opinion in America, as real Americans love you. So again,

Forgive us!

Hail Poland!
Hail USA!
Hail EDEN!

“To say nothing, especially when speaking, is half the art of diplomacy.”-Will Durant

http://i49.tinypic.com/2hn1375.jpg" alt>

- Newton, Director of Departmental Communications