Poland under attack

Day 2,274, 13:09 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Jack Jockson

Day 2274

War for liberation of Spain continues. It is going well, USA has set in and Portugal may soon be pushed out. But Romania which is a little stronger than Portugal holds it's position in Appenines as expected. Realizing Romania will be hard to push out, Poland has planned a little attack on Romania in the east.

Poland gets border with Romania

[21:50:15] hi to all
[21:50:19] what s up?
[21:50:20] colonelbruce: o7
[21:50:25] o7
[21:50:25] forming alliance
[21:50:27] nothing more
[21:50:41] importand enough😉
[21:50:58] i m very interested in forming alliance asap
[21:51:08] for summary: we have 6 countries as founder - GR RO ARG SER SLO HUN

Meanwhile a chat has leaked, thanks to our spy from Thailand, which reveals formation of Balkan alliance plus Argentina, a very tight alliance it seems and they have something particular against Poland.

[22:28:53] things is Spain are going well, I have info that USA won't attack
[22:29:08] So we can focus on Poland

Not very surprisingly the attack on Poland has started with 6 simultaneous resistance wars, which Poland will probably not be able to win them all. However we are not worried. The more we lose, the sweeter our revenge will be.