Plug's Extensive Guide to V2 Guides: Chapter 1

Day 992, 03:28 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

After scouring the international media since the rise (and fall) of V2, The Shameless Plug has collected a large number of articles helping players (new and old) learn the ways of V2. Many were similar, a few were genius, some were drivel, but I’ve decided to present them all to you anyhow, so that you may browse through the piles of advice floating out there in the lost pages of eRep news. For now I’m calling it Plug’s Extensive Guide to V2 Guides, until something better comes up.

Simply providing reams of URLs for articles would not be very helpful, so I’ve broken them down into categories and uated each grouping to give you the cream of the crop. While I wanted to turn this into a media contest to award the best V2 mentors, the greater benefit will be to compile an extensive list of guides that will help educate newer and older players alike.

tl;dr – The article that beat me to it (damn those Irish!)
The University of Ireland published an article that has already done what my series intends to accomplish. Therefore, consider their article “v2 Essential Guide (MiniEducation)” the tl;dr version of Plug’s Extensive Guide to V2 Guides.”
The Plug: The article’s table of contents contains much the same categorization but does provide a few other articles not included in this series. It’s compact, provides a helpful point form summary of each article, as well as some notes on inaccuracies or additional facts. eCanada’s Ministry of Education or University should emulate this aim by posting a similar guide in the forums. Perhaps the gems of PEGV2 can be of some use in making a forum tutorial 😉

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Table of Contents
V2 Guides in the Media – Categories and Breakdown:

Chapter 1) Comprehensive Overviews or General Purpose Guides (completed)
Chapter 2) Work, Training, and Time Management Guides rough list
Chapter 3) Wellness and Happiness Guides rough list
Chapter 4) Military and Fighting Guides rough list
Chapter 5) Economic and Business Guides rough list
Chapter 6) V2 Formulas and Calculators rough list

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Plug’s Exhaustive Guide to V2 Guides: Chapter 1
Comprehensive/Overview/General Guides
These articles cover all facets of eRep Rising and mainly serve as a general introduction to some of the tabs most important to new citizens. While the majority offer a cursory overview best suited for introducing Rising, a small number have tips and strategies helpful for the eVeteran. Sadly, many of these guides rely on images, which have all been disabled at the moment.

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The Best
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#1) Title: A tutorial for everybody: Erepublik for Dummies V2
Author & Newspaper: Kravenn of Good News from next world
The Plug: The BEST guide for a new player entering V2. The pictures do provide a “dummies’” guide on what to exactly click to get specific results. By following this, any new player can navigate their profile, work, train, study, rest, and buy some food – all the essentials for your first day.

#2) Title: Tutoriel d'eRepublik pour les débutants
Author & Newspaper: Alexis Pires of L'eFrance en folie
The Plug:
The article is not much itself. What is worth noting is the link that takes you to the best French introduction to the game. A must read for eCanada’s newbies in the French community.

#3) Title: eRepublik Rising: Introductions And Tips
Author & Newspaper: 00AngryMobMan00 of Angry's Burning Fiction
The Plug: A good deion of the basic functions of each action in an eRepublik day. Delves into Happiness and Wellness, as well as provides some useful tricks/tips at the end (check comments for differing opinions).

#4) Title: (RFA) Project Daybreak - A Guide to The Places of eRepublik
Author & Newspaper: Radical Freethinkers Alliance of The Freethinker
The Plug: An eUK focused guide that cover more ground than your average Uptown Menu. It provides helpful directions on to be come more involved in the eRep community via the media, forums, and chat rooms.

#5) Title: Your Guide to V2, part 1 *UPDATED*
Author & Newspaper: Zagarius of News to South Africa
The Plug: The first instalment in a the most comprehensive series of guides on V2. This first article may not go into great depth (as the others in the series do) but it does cover a large amount of ground for a basic introduction.

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….and The Rest
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#6) Title: A Guide for Living Your eDay
Author & Newspaper: Gulden Draak of The Paper Mache
The Plug: A functional guide for new player on how to go trough a day, step by step (11 to be exact). Visiting the Residential district first is a good suggestion, but only necessary if you begin the day with low wellness. As well, depending on whether you want to specialize for as a soldier or a worker, you may want to change the order listed here, or even skip some steps. In fact, the better part of this guide is the battle section. Perhaps this is why it got the votes it did because the first half is fairly bland.

#7) Title: (V2) The new, the useful and the subtle
Author & Newspaper: jamesw of That guy
The Plug: I would rate this guide quite high mainly because it does not do what most other guides have repeated. Instead of a general overview of each module, there are tips on what to watch out for in V2. It’s more theory and general advice than instructions on how to click through a day.

#😎 Title: V2 guide going up!
Author & Newspaper: Redphienix of Post Apocalyptia
The Plug: The layout is very typical of most V2 guides. Pictures of what you’ll encounter as you work, train, and study throughout the day. The main benefit here is that the guide is hosted off-eRep on eRepublikPK, so any changes to the media module (like deleting all images) won’t affect this piece. The direct link is here:

#9) Title: simple V2 guide
Author & Newspaper: dharma vardhan of Times of Hindustan
The Plug: A good run-down of all the basic features you’ll come across while progressing through a day on eRep. The time allotments are not the best way to manage your hours. Still a good overview for a player fresh into eRep.

Author & Newspaper: shashank1994gupta of TrIbEs iNdIa
The Plug: The introduction the different modules is very basic. Plus the use of “U” gets annoying. However, unlike other comprehensive guides in this collection, there is are useful and simple formulas on how to calculate productivity for working, training, studying, and resting. The company formulas may need elaboration.

#11) Title: So You Wanted a V2 Noob Guide? [#1]
Author & Newspaper: Tepwnzor of Tepwnzor Today
The Plug: Maybe “noobs” need pictures and humour to help the medicine go down. This guide covers only the MOST BASIC aspects of V2 that a new player would experience in the first day. The “Take Away Points” at the end make a summary, plus Calvin and Hobbes.

#12) Title: The simplest of guides for V2
Author & Newspaper: Pakr of Pakr said it
The Plug: As the title states, very basic. However, the zoomed in pictures may help new players recognizes key places of your Uptown Menu.

#13) Title: A Few Hints and Major Changes in V2 (Thread To Help Newbies]
Author & Newspaper: Ashwamedh of Diary Of Dick The Thinker
The Plug: A useful article at the time it was released to keep track of ongoing changes and bugs in V2. Not so useful as a guide after the fact. Still, it made it onto the list.

#14) Title: The Homeless Guide to V2
Author & Newspaper: Homeless Joe of The Homeless Rag
The Plug: A basic guide for the new player that casts some thought on wellness and experience gain (see comments)

#15) Title: V2: Hints, Tips, and Techniques
Author & Newspaper: Anthony Delgado of North Korea Tribune
The Plug: Well, he tried.

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Wrap-up and Best V2 Guide Series
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There concludes my compilation of comprehensive V2 guides. With enough time and a little help, I hope to get the rest of this series up and going. For now, you can visit the rough draft of all sections in Plugs’ Extensive Guide to V2 Guides to scan through what has been gathered so far. If you have anything that needs to be added to my collection, please leave a comment or PM me. I’d be interested in hearing how we can turn these collected resources into a useful and extensive guide for new players to eRep.

Check out the other 5 sections of PEGV2 under development by CLICKING HERE.

Or, take a look at some well constructed series of guides put out by these writers:

Zagarius of South Africa – Newspaper: News To South Africa
I was unhappy to hear recently that Zagarius is scaling back on his activity. He put out the most extensive set of guides for V2. Here they are:

1) Your Guide to V2, part 1 *UPDATED*
--General overview of the most important tabs and daily activities
2) Your Guide to V2, part 2
--A closer look at work and the general skill choices
3) Your Guide to V2, part 3
--A closer look at the military module
4) Your Guide to V2, parts 1-3 Updates
--Overview of boosters and bonuses
5) Your Guide to V2, Part 4 (ORGs)
--Like it says, overview on setting up a company
6) Your Guide to V2, Part 5 (Products)
--Deion of what can be bought in the marketplace

Tepwnzor of the USA – Newspaper: Tepwnzor Today
A short series, but one that is stuffed full of tips, links, and useful information for new players. Tepwnzor also called it quits about a month ago. All the good ones are leaving.

1) So You Wanted a V2 Noob Guide? #1
--A fairly extensive rundown of all the basic daily activities, the takeaway points at the end are a good set of tips
2) So You Wanted a V2 Noob Guide? #2 Health and Happiness
--An exhaustive look at maintaining Happiness and Wellness, plus links to a calculator

Now if none of that gets a new player off on the right foot, I’m not sure what will (except for something shorter, easier to read, and linked to the new citizen welcome message).