Please allow me...

Day 643, 09:02 Published in United Kingdom USA by Necrosis

… To introduce myself. I'm a man, of wealth and taste. Been around for a long long year, stole a many man's soul, and faith.


Drum roll please.

Good day everyone! As you may, or may not, be aware, I am running for Prime Minister of this wonderful country. This article is simply a declaration of such, and an introduction as to who I am exactly.

Hi.I have been playing this game with varying levels of activity since day #22. In that time I have seen many things. But this tells you nothing of who I am.

I have been involved at the highest levels of government for the past 3 months; I know the goings on of such like the back of my hand. Long story short, I know my stuff. A vote for me is not a vote for some random yahoo off the street; it is a vote for competence of the highest level.

Lets face it, at the end of the day, this election is going to come down to supporting an evil AI, or cell/tissue death. Both terrible.

Anyway, with no further adieu, I will finish this short, and sweet article. The more serious manifesto, with plans, etc on it is having it's final touches polished as we speak by my plethora of slaves. I mean campaign team.