Pizza The Hut for Karnataka!

Day 913, 19:29 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

Hello Karnataka!
I'm pleased to announce my candidacy to represent your great state. There is certainly nothing more American than the mighty state of Karnataka and it would be a true honor to serve as your next Congressman and hope you will vote for me on Tuesday, May 25th.
My Qualifications
I have previously served as Florida Congressman. As the only candidate in the race to represent a fortress state, I understand the sort of representation the people expect and the tremendous responsibility that a task of this magnitude requires. If you want someone with legislative and representative experience who can step in and get the job done for you on day one, I am that candidate. Further, I have been Party President of the Republican Party, and I believe my executive experience can be crucial when it comes to uniting and serving Karnatakans.
The People's Senator
If elected, I pledge to represent the people to the best of my ability. I will fight for a lower income tax, and instead increasing the import tax to reward eAmerican businessmen and consumers and to encourage that domestic businesses succeed and take priority over foreign ones while preserving our national treausury. I will also encourage the construction of more fortress states for both the security interests of our nation and the betterment of its people.

Further, I will oppose all efforts by any Administration to tie the hands of our military. We must give them the tools, funding and autonomy required to best serve our nation's defense. We must also deal with the issues of SEES, an organization notorious for PTO's and using schoolyard bully type tactics to get others to do as they desire. There is no room for this sort of tyranny in America and I will take aggressive actions against these sorts of criminals in Congress.

I would like to thank the following parties for their endorsements:
US Trade & Military Alliance(Nominating Party)
Republican Party
American Defense Party

Let's stand together for a better eUSA!

P.S. On the issue of the other Republican Party candidates, I will be contacting voters to enlist your services for our mobile voting efforts. I would appreciate your support, but I will prioritize the lower population state candidates first.