Pictures, tables AND MORE!!!: congress election review [08/2010] (122nd article)

Day 1,013, 01:47 Published in United Kingdom Latvia by SpeedKing

Another election means another congress election statistics. Click here for July statistics.


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All three People's Coalition Party candidates who were elected are, in fact, members of The Real Democrats. In the image they're marked with the letter T.

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The Unity Party got 15 seats, therefore regaining the title of biggest parliamentary fraction. As usual, they're followed by UKRP with 12 seats, PCP with 9 and RFA with 8. The Real Democrats have got 3 seats.

As most of you know, there was a bug in this election. Usually admin bugs mean we lose an arseload of gold or everyone gets permabanned. This time, the bug turned out to be good. For some reason, an incorrect number of elected candidates per region was chosen so instead of 40 congressmen we've got 47.

They're shown on the bottom of the image. As can be seen, 3 are from UKRP, another three are members of RFA and one is a communist. If there would be no bug, the results would be: TUP [15], UKRP [9], PCP [8], RFA [5], TRD [3].


click here to see full-size image

Even now there were just two regions which had a clearly dominant party. London, the biggest region in-game, had 4 TUP members elected (one of them as wildcard). Yorkshire & Humberside, which was conquered less than 12 hours before congress candidates were finalised, was also dominated by The Unity Party, having three candidates on top of the lists.

click here to see full-size image

Like last time, I won't list the winners (but you can see them in this awesome election tracker). As you can see, two third of the regions were won by UKRP candidates. RFA and TUP have won one region each. Overall, most votes were, of course, cast in London. The winner there was United Kingdom Reform Party candidate Steve Steinbeck.

Fuck admins. Although their bug was, in fact, good for the country (we got 7 more congressmen), I won't recalculate everything again.

Thanks to the election tracker I used (link already posted) I can see how much votes each party has and how many places have they got. To make things easier, I, once again, won't subtract the TRD people or list them as a separate entity.

• TUP: 15 seats/132 votes
• UKRP: 12 seats/114 votes
• PCP: 9 seats/58 votes
• RFA: 8 seats/56 votes
• LOL: 3 seats/29 votes

This way we can calculate how much votes were needed to gain each seat and get the rankings.

1. PCP: 6,44 votes per seat
2. RFA: 7 votes per seat
3. TUP: 8,8 votes per seat
4. UKRP: 9,5 votes per seat
5. LOL: 9,67 votes per seat

Lost votes
Now I count how many votes were given for people who didn't get a seat.

• TUP: 12/132 votes
• UKRP: 9/114 votes
• PCP: 8/58 votes
• RFA: 6/56 votes
• LOL: 15/29 votes

Then we calculate how many percent of votes were lost.

1. UKRP: 7,89%
2. TUP: 9,09%
3. RFA: 10,71%
4. PCP: 13,79%
5. LOL: 51,72%

Then I use a very subjective formula which probably gives unreliable results. Points are calculated as x+y, where x is votes per seat*100, and y is lost seat percent*100. The less points, the better.

1. UKRP: 1739 points
2. RFA: 1771 points
3. TUP: 1789 points
4. PCP: 2921 points
5. LOL: 6139 points

Last month TUP won with 2809 points and in June RFA (then Spectrum) were in last place with 14808 points. Those were the best and worst results so far. I won't make an all-time top this month, but I hope that gives you an impression on how much points is good and how much is bad. Also, the results aren't usually this close.

• All parties have lost supporters during this month. UKRP has had the slowest decrease, losing just 13 people.
• 389 people voted this month, which is 155 or 28,5% less than in July.
• The decrease in active people is unchanged. In July, 28,5% less people voted than in June.
• The division of people elected in each region would be correct if we had 5 regions. So, if we would have magically conquered the rest of our original regions the same time as we did Y&H and the bug would have stayed, we would have had a whopping 89 congressmen, which would normally be achievable only by actually having 89 regions.