Personal POTUS Endorsement

Day 1,534, 16:59 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer

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Dateline: Wednesday February 2, 2012 (Day 1,534)
Location: The Heartland of America
Reporter: George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

Why Oblige, Leroy and Rainy?

Let's start with Rainy Sunday, slated to be Chief of Staff.
I know her mostly from working with her in my six (non-consecutive) terms in Congress. We've never been in the same political Party, we often fell on opposing sides of discussions, but not once-- ever-- has she treated me with disrespect. When Rainy served as Congressional Whip I looked forward to her daily letters, and she did the job better than anyone else. She's somewhat of a "whip" in Congress as well, stimulating and leading discussions, supporting a good argument and calling bullshit when she sees it, not "toeing the Party line" as most Congress members do.

If Chief of Staff means someone who makes sure every Cabinet member is on the job and putting in their best effort, organizing and stimulating action, I can't think of anyone better suited to the task.
In short, I respect Rainy Sunday.

Vice President Leroy Combs... I like the sound of that.
Leroy's been around since forever, but I haven't really known him very well. I know that when the country needed "noob companies" where new players could be directed to work, and receive decent wages while producing little (back before they killed Skill Levels), he set up companies and employed hundreds of players at a personal financial loss... for months on end, because the country needed it.
When I was running the Challenge Coins program last summer, giving out tanks along with a pretty Coin graphic, Leroy was the first and largest sponsor from beginning to end of the duration of the program.
When I have a question about game mechanics and go into IRC looking for straight answers, it's Leroy and Cromstar who educate this Old Man on how this silly game works.

Frankly, I don't know what else he's done in the game. Don't know, don't care. Someone else can list his resume. I know Leroy is a smart guy who knows his way around the game, has been damn good to and for America for a long long time. He's respectful of me, and I respect him.
Leroy Combs for President. But a month as VP first.

Oblige for a third term? Yeah, you betcha!
Hey, how come he's not burnt out after two months on the job, still going as strong in his eighth week on the job as he was in his first? Because he's a good manager, not a micromanager. He does his job and expects his people to do theirs. A country is not run by one person, but the team who runs the country is, and Oblige is a good manager.

Same as with Leroy, above, I can't and won't list Oblige's resume, his list of accomplishments. He has his own paper for that. And I won't copy and repeat stuff I don't know, myself.

I was hired as a writer, then made Press Corps Director as personnel changes moved people in my department up. My personal experience has been good, as far as dealing with Oblige as a boss. He's been open to communication, has give me good counsel and strong leadership, and has earned my respect.

I think America has done pretty darn well the past couple months. Credit..? We all do our part. Oblige did his job, just as do we all. I kicked ass at my job. I think Oblige did, too. Look at yourselves, look around you... who's been slacking off, who's been skating, and who's worked their asses off and accomplished more for all of us through their extra efforts? I think you can look at Oblige and say he's worked harder than he had to, and his efforts show in the results, for all of us. That, I respect.

Other News and Announcements:

I have been asked by all three front runner POTUS candidates, to continue serving America through my work with the Media Department. Both Vanek26 and Aeriela understand that I fully support President Oblige in his bid for a third term.
No matter who is President, and whether I am named as Secretary of Media or Press Corps Director or as a member of the Press Corps, I will continue to kick ass at my job just as I have these past six weeks.

Recommended Reading:
| The President's Newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education |
| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio | Terra Times | Voice of EDEN |

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USA eRepublik -|- Jude Connors -|- George Armstrong Custer

George Armstrong "Crazy Old Man" Custer

Custer's POTUS Endorsement
It's About Respect
