Personal opinion about today's happenings

Day 939, 13:37 Published in Austria Cyprus by OmniCorp Holding

Greetings to all!

As you might know, today the most complicated land-swapping operation of eRepublik’s history took part, without any failure or miscalculation. The facts and like will be published on the BundespresseDienst.

Here is my personal opinion:

For months we speak of building eAustria, of baby-boom, and alike. But what can we offer to a new player, or a freshly arriving foreigner? Some political slogans, a half-working military structure, small scale operations in some backwater country’s backwater war. And fear.

We always fear.
Fearing from occupation.
Fearing from PTOs.
Fearing from economical depression.
Fearing to hurt someone’s feelings.

We hardly dare to exist on the map.

Eden pissed off us a couple of times just recently. They (Poland) destroyed two Q5 hospitals in eAustria just for fun, as neither region’s occupation was mandatory for their aims. They PTOed us twice: first Hedera, then the croats. They robbed us, humiliate us, laughed at us and we feared to do anything. And now they accuse us being neutral no more. Orly? Maybe they misunderstood the slight difference between neutrality and lameness.

We hide behind our neutrality.
We hide behind excuses.
We hide behind our weakness.

Until today, playing as an eAustrian means either eternal boredom or eternal trolling on some long forgotten forum and/or irc room. We had no impact on the game, even not really control of what happening to us. We were all ‘Exchebeche’, who talks loud but say nothing. And do nothing, respectively.

This time is over.

Yes, all of you can argue about why we choose this way, why we don’t sitting on our back as usual, why we danger ourselves, why we taking side, and why we don’t like this playground of 30 people anymore.

You heard it right. I mentioned playground of 30 or so people. In eAustria there is hardly any joy for ‘twoclickers’ players who don’t want to participating on disgusting political plays purely based on personal feelings, players who has a life thus don’t leeching on irc 24/7.

Now we make a big impact on the eWorld. From now, we got our friends as well as our enemies. Now, we will run for glorious victories and bitter defeats. No matter what the future bring to us, from now we got aims, we got purposes, and all of us - repeating that: all of us – can take his or her part from the game. We will fight on battlegrounds, in the voting rooms, in the monetary market. From now, the game called eRepublik starts in eAustria once again.

Have fun!

President of eAustria