Perfect eCountry recipe

Day 783, 10:13 Published in Serbia Romania by Heidar's Foundation">


Tanks: from the EMC.

Unfortunately, we can see what they can do. There is no such a high wall which could stop them…or maybe there is one in the Far-East.

Regular Army: from Hungary

Hungary can inflict the biggest damage even though she hasn’t got any big 25+ strenght tank. But they have an army full of field marshalls.

Common people: from Poland

In the future there will be 3 big alliences: EDEN, PHOENIX and POLAND. Just one awesome number: 55 749 and it is still incresing.

High resources: from Russia

High oil, high oil, high oil, high grain, high grain, high grain, high grain, high iron, high iron, high wood, high wood, high wood, high diamonds, high diamonds. „This is Russia

Ally: from Serbia

More than an ally, a true friend who is always there when you really need her.

Money: from USA

You need 3 things to war: money, money and money. And in the USA they never run out of gold. They get it for free or buy it with RL money.

Propaganda: from Romania

They made the eWorld believe that Hungary is imperialistic ’cause they control one high iron region in China. Doesn’t matter that somebody destroyed countries…

Trolls: from Croatia

Pssst they will notice us and none of us can save this article

Big brother: from Singapore

Everybody needs a helping hand. A well-timed bug or feature.
„All nations are equal, but some nations are more equal than others.”


Put these ingredients into one country and enjoy your power. 😉

eHungarian citizen