
Day 1,082, 13:28 Published in South Africa South Africa by South African Freeman


Such a complicated symbol, isn't it? When one looks up the word perception, they find that it means awareness, intuitive cognition, and a capacity for understanding. While not exactly written in text, it also means how one views another. However, this is affected by how one's brought up, how they live through life, how they think.

One can look around, and view all opinions as perception. However, it seems as though peoples' perception is changing. I remember this country, back when I first arrived, and it was a friendly place. You would have the occasional dispute, sure, but it was civil and understandable. One was able to view both sides, and see exactly what was being said.

However lately, it seems as though the recent Hungarian occupation has altered some views, possibly to the negative.
There are things in this country that are certain:
The Hungarian PTO'ers are not the best at running a country(speaking as a hard-working citizen of this country, I can guarantee that the economy has taken a hit, not when V2 arrived, but when the Hungarians took control),the Hungarian PTO'ers losing support as their multies are banned, a slow but steady climb to reclaiming eSouth Africa for people that want to see the best for South Africa, and the disputes that are slowly keeping us from gaining the support we need for the final push.

Allow me to explain further. Recently, a discussion was held on the eSouth African forums, originating from the discovery that a few South Africans fought for Hungary once or twice when the latest War Module was released, to test and learn about the module. However, some claimed that they were not loyal to eSouth Africa, claiming that they were perfectly capable of fighting against Hungary, when in fact one or two fights resulting in a pathetic amount of 'influence' made no impact on the fight. An action that was unlikely ever to repeat, and yet we fight about it, claiming all that fought are Hungarian sympathizers.

You can see how this might divide groups, create tension, and the sort. In fact, it's said several times that we need to unite, to stand together, so that we may drive the Hungarian PTO'ers out of South Africa, who only want to drain us of our money and resources. However, again a small issue arises, and again we seem to split, unable to do anything but to argue.

I do not demand anything, I simply ask that everyone, not those that are or are not involved, but everyone to rethink for a couple of minutes exactly why they do what they do, and if it is truly the best for themselves, those around them, and South Africa as a whole.

Also, I have not named individual names, I have not divulged hidden information. Everything that I have mentioned can be found with even a small attempt to look. I please ask that you not take offense to this, and instead just...think. I do not want to feel as though I am directly attacking an individual, and I ask that you do not react as such.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you take into consideration what I have said.

“To fight is a radical instinct; if men have nothing else to fight over they will fight over words, fancies, or women, or they will fight because they dislike each other's looks, or because they have met walking in opposite directions” - George Santayana