Day 851, 05:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by temujin94

Today I will convince you join the PDP and all that it stands for.

First a message from a new member who has joined recently.

“The People's Democratic Party is one of the friendliest parties I have ever been a member of. They take on board your views and respect your opinion. They take education on board and respect that as much as they respect them self’s. The party leader is very talkative to members and always keeps a check on people like all parties should. I’m proud to be apart of this party and head of its education department. Nothing should ever be changed, they are great”.


Now a message from our Vice President.

“The PDP, the party that wants to spread change throughout the eWorld. The PDP plans to take the place of the FDP in 6th position, and hopes to pose more of a threat to the top five then they are doing now. The PDP keeps everyone onboard up-to-date with what is going on in the party. Temujin94 is always working, and the structure he has brought to the party is planning room for expansion as on average 90+ invites to people to join the party go out every day. To join the PDP is a choice for change.”

Dan/naD Wilshire

You now know why to join from our members input but I haven’t even started yet on my plans for the party over the coming month.

Hundreds of years ago their was a man by the name of Temujin who looked over Mongolia and saw all the small tribes fighting and they were fighting for one reason only because of a larger country wished to make them stay weak to protect their own borders. This plan worked for many generations until Temujin came along and united the warring tribes and went to battle against their oppressive rulers and conquered that country with mere tribes brought together to fight. Many years later he had the biggest connected empire of all-time and he named himself Genghis Khan.

How is this relevant?

Well I seek to unite all small parties and every other citizen who is sick of being forced to join the Top 5 parties and together we can take the top 5 down a peg but this can only be achieved when ordinary citizens take action and now is the time for action. I am Temujin and I seek to save this country and in the end if everyone stands up against these parties and we break into the top 5. I am Temujin but with your help I seek to be Genghis.





Any questions please contact me at or if you wish to speak to a member he will be happy to answer all questions. If you wish to join the party and get your voice heard here is where you join If you want to join our community then is our chat page