Pegasus Investment Group to re-open business

Day 1,033, 04:56 Published in Israel Israel by Pegasus Investment Group
Pegasus Investment Group to re-open business
After a temporary hiatus and re-organization of the group Pegasus Investment Limited annouces the re-opening of it's two most successful branches. As of day 1033 05:00 eRep time Shakshuka King and Shakshuka Agri-Tech will be back in business.

Mission Statement
Our business goal is to establish a new, long-term success in the food industry market. We strive to make our business worthwhile both for out customers, employees and investors. To achieve this goal we decided to honour a strong business and loyalty code, maiking us unique in the industry.

The Pegasus Business Code of Conduct

I. General Condcut
Pegasus Limited is a equal opportunity employer. Our doors are open to all nationalities, genders, races, religions and people who act reasonable and kind in general. We conduct our transactions in the open and won't tolerate corruption on any business level.

Pegasus Limited executives are banned from registering with political parties or holding political offices.

II. Patriotism
Located in the small, yet prospering nation of eIsrael Pegasus Limited sees it as a business and a national interest to assist in the defence of our host nation. Therefore any Pegasus Limited employee who needs to relocate to a different nation to assist eIsrael allies will be guranteed a new job on his return. Employees who seek "Military Action Leave" shall report to the management prior to going on MAL in order to make the necessary arrangements.

In case of military action taken against the core regions of eIsrael (Beersheba South District, Haifa district, Jerusalem district, Nazareth North District, Tel Aviv Center District) or in a national emergency "Shakshuka King" will put the whole stock of Q2 at the nations disposal at no charge. Details of this "emergency food deployment" will be discussed with the eIsrael Ministry of Defence and the IDF in the next days to come. Please understand that details of this deal cannot be disclosed to the general public for obvious reasons.

III. Minimum Wage Policy
Pegasus Limited takes responsibility for it's employees seriously. As of this reason we agreed on a fair-pay policy.

Wage formual: Economy Skill Level / 2 x (Minimum Wage + 0.15 NIS) = hourly wage

Bonus pay and good worker conduct raises will be applied as necessary.

Job offers will go online momentarily. We're back in business. Thank you for your time!

J. Reichenbacher
CEO Pegasus Investment Group Limited
eIsrael Department - Tel Aviv