PEACE's Propaganda

Day 617, 18:36 Published in USA USA by Sheriff Yoda

PEACE's spin doctor's have been hard at work to convince the world that their invasion of the eUS and eCanada is justified. Let us now look at the facts.

Indoniasia currently holds 12 territories outside of its normal borders. All of these regions originally belonged to members of PEACE. All of these territories have at least medium resources of different types. Now why is it that the beneficiat Indoniasians seem to be holding land of their erstwhile allies? Seems kinda fishy to me.

Hungry has also gotten into the act, indeed between Indoniasia and Hungry, Russia doesn't have 3 of its original territories. All three of these are high resource areas. Interesting that the great and beneficiant PEACE leadership is holding this land.

PEACE also has sponsored NUMEROUS political takeovers many of which have been blocked by the United States Airforce, to much acclaim of the defended countries. Seems to me that the PEACE is so secure in its rightness that it can't seem to abide the citizens of the countries nearby to excersise their own political will, however PEACE is good. Just ask them, they'll tell you.

PEACE also makes the ludicrious claim that our government doesn't care for its citizen's because we are being wise in our hospital placement. Experienced players know why we don't have Q5 hospitals in all 50 states. They simplely aren't needed, but these arguements make newbies question. This is nothing but an attempt to reduce resistance. They recently built a hospital in California. This is nothing but a tactical move. With the Q5 hospital they can move their warriors there, boosting the cost to retake the state for us. It wasn't for the benefit of the people of California, like PEACE claims, its a war expediency, nothing more.

You will note that they will not build one in Nevada or Arizona, for the same reasons we never did. It would be a waste of resources.

Bottom line is this. Since I have been a citizen in the New World, it has been PEACE that have been the aggressors, PEACE that have been the bullies and us the eUS that has been standing up to them.

Don't fall for PEACE propaganda, it is nothing but half truths and lies.