PEACE isn’t dead – it is just resting

Day 726, 08:30 Published in United Kingdom USA by Necrosis
(In honour of the article title, instead of a song at the beginning, have a Monty Python sketch.)

Recently PEACE has been hit by several blows; perhaps not knockout blows, but substantial blows nonetheless. They have been very high profile, but for the sake of explaining afterwards, I’ll give a quick over-view of them.

Italy left; not an unexpected decision at all. Italy was taken over by Croatians, and they feel, and rightly so on the basis of evidence, that they didn’t receive enough help from PEACE anti-takeover forces. I’m surprised it took Italy this long to formally leave the alliance, as someone who has seen the outside and inside of it. They had been members in name only for several months, dealt a deathblow by the takeover and gradual loss of older players. In the end they made the right choice for their country, and I wish them all the best in the future.

Indonesia’s declaration of war against Malaysia is the catalyst for the next sequence of events. Malaysia was allied with many PEACE nations, Iran, France, Austia, Japan and a few others. France, most publically, renewed their MPP with Malaysia after the declaration of war was started, for the very reason of disagreeing with the actions of Indonesia. Publically, and privately, Indonesia hasn’t had any problems with this, which comes as a surprise for many. They have said that they do not mind whom they fight; they wish for a fight.

They left PEACE soon after. Indonesia, the backbone, the sword and shield of PEACE GC in their darkest times declared that they were no longer a member. They left, citing the need to find a new goal, a new purpose. You know, sorta like Jules in Pulp fiction.

On paper, Indonesia’s departure changes a lot of things; it breaks the Indo-Hungarian influence sphere that people see controlling PEACE from the outside. In reality, Indonesia stays friendly with the vast majority of the powerhouses of PEACE; Many of them will remember when Indonesia helped them recover their lands after the periods of ATLANTIS’ wars. Indonesia remains firmly in the PEACE sphere of influence, they just don’t want to break the alliance up with their war, so instead of doing a Sweden and bringing the alliance down with them, they decided to go their own way; the damage was done to a large extent, however.

So what next for PEACE GC?
In a leaked forum post several days ago, PEACE operative Michael Collins was quoted as saying that the alliance should be dissolved; that PEACE was not what it once was, that, more importantly, it was not working as it should and once did. The topic that followed was a set of mixed opinions, some agreeing, some disagreeing, and comments about the subject. Eventually, after much discussion, no real decision was made.

Many people in PEACE seem to believe that PEACE’s problems can be solved, to a large extent, by creating a new charter, one to replace the old, out-dated one; this should’ve been done a while ago, the part which says defensive alliance is so out of date it isn’t even funny (for public information on the new charter, see this article). Alongside a re-confirmation of membership, many people seem to think that this will solve the issues within the alliance. I think they are wrong.

Those of you who’ve been playing for a fair amount of time will remember the death of ATLANTIS; the inaction, and ignorance to the alliance’s decay from within. This is, to a very large extent, exactly what is happening now within PEACE. People are sticking their fingers in their ears, saying it is not dead, that it is just resting. I do not think this is the case; the issues within PEACE run deeper than simply an issue with the legality vis a vis the PEACE charter. It runs down to tensions between nations; they are there, lurking beneath the shadows. No one speaks of them, but they’re there.

There are also the issues with people thinking that their country is somehow more important than others; see Lyne Faynel’s article for an example; while these were empty threats, it shows a massive lack of inter-member respect, and co-ordination, which is the downfall of PEACE. Pretty much everything in the article was true; I was there, I agreed with her assessment of the situation. Worthlessly attacking in that context would’ve caused a lot more issues than it would have solved, and would have had very little/no effect on the outcome of the battle, in my opinion; diversions do not work as well as they once did against the USA. After a several month long war on their home turf, the USA became very, very good at communicating orders and getting people to follow them; distractions like this are not as good as they once were.

So what next?
There is already work going on behind the scenes starting a new alliance, even before PEACE’s corpse has hit the ground, the thing is, what alliances?

I foresee a two way split, and it may well be an interesting one. Many of the smaller/mid size countries within PEACE GC are very moralistic; they do not believe in aggression, and would prefer to solve things without war when possible, and in fact may actively remove troops from any war that could be potentially aggressive. These guys will band together, with maybe a larger country thrown in for good measure; I can’t think of one that would off the top of my head, but it isn’t impossible.

So, what about the powerhouses? Indonesia, Serbia, Hungary, Russia. All very strong, very powerful countries. I expect a semi-Slavic union; its getting talked about a lot in Serbia and Russia, and Hungary will probably go along for good measure. Indonesia will probably help out here and there, but expect them to remain legitimately neutral, as far as on paper alliances go, for the time being.

I could well be wrong in my assumptions. It has happened before, and I’m sure it will happen again. I do however feel that this needs to be said, and that people need be informed.

Finally, I’m going to post the article that was very nearly released about the death of PEACE; I myself wrote it for the alliance, so it’s not anyone else’s work before you reach for the report button. Article. This is the article that should have been released. This is what should have been said. However, people would prefer to continue with the charade instead of admit its over. There was more I planned on writing, but I am severely time limited of late; too many essays for uni.

I personally am no longer affiliated with PEACE, or any PEACE nation. I expect to be dammed by former friends and colleagues for writing this article; so be it. Someone needs to say it. It was a pleasure working together, and I guess we’ll meet in battle at some point in the future. Best of luck.
