Pay back? Let's the world war IV begin!

Day 711, 14:10 Published in USA Hungary by Marginaldefeat

Dear e- USA citizens,

I would like to congratulate USA,and all of you who are a member of E/F.
You made an amazing work,to be honest,we could not believe in our eyes,when the wall in Manitoba was +400k just 4minutes before the end,and in the begining,below zero,even against our great resistance.
The devastating effect of this battle became obvious very soon,Nunavut was still an epic (and not an easy at all) battle,but this one ended with -250k,and Alaska..we all know it,Hungary was too scared and gave it up without any resistance.
The 3.World War just have finished,and the just about to begin.
The situation seemed to be much more hopeless than after Pearl Harbour,when most of the Pacific Fleet was eliminated with a surprise attack by a Japanese Empire.

Canada was temporarily banned,and USA downed to 1region,Florida.
Everybody believed this was really the end.Except the USA citizens.The PEACE hesitated for just a moment,and this opportunity
(to win the war) never returned later.
USA reborned like a phoneix ,and instead of total annihilation,now stronger than ever.
However,there is no time for celebration right now.Yes,PEACE and Hungary had been driven out,this is not the end,only the end of the begining for E/F,and the begining of the end for the PEACE.
USA shouldn't do the same mistake what PEACE did.Hesitation would be fatal.
Remember what the heroes of USA did.Remember....colonel Doolittle,who made the impossible🙂Without his plan and action (Doolittle raid in the april of 1942)USA would never won the battle of Midway few months later.

Remember Abraham Lincoln,who had the bravery to declare the Emancipation Proclamation.
Douglas Mc Arthur,who had the bravery to fulfill his promise,and return to the Philiipian Islands.
Or how about Dwight Eisenhower?Without his decision (on the 5of June in 1944 he decided the D-DAY would be tomorrow,and the weather was terrible and it rainy)the Overlord must have been started weeks later,and could have been much more deadly.
So does the e-USA have the bravery now to attack?
The high iron of Heliongjiang lies ahead your legs,you only have to win ONE (Far Eastern Russia) battle before you can attack,and definitely capture it,and fulfill the dreams of your citizens,to get a high iron.

Anway,if you succeed,the great plains and area of Asia are both within a reach.
And also remember,that USA can attack (and capture) with activated MPP's🙂
And what's more,you can launch an RW in every day in Heliojiang,and they have to worry about the wall (and hit until nearly 1 million)because the glorious mobile forces of EMC can do 800k damage in 5min very easily.
I think,there is definitely no time to waste.
Peace and Hungary are disorganized now,morale cannot be worse,and the EMC proved to be MUCH MORE stronger than peacekeepers.
I think this is needed to start the offensive without any delay.
USA ATTACK Far Eastern Russia,RW in Heliojiang,and Croatia attack Southern Transdanubia in a same time,around 19:00 erep time,when the whole population are sleeping
in Hungary, Serbia and Russia.

Because the Eden is stronger and more organised right now,however,if you give time to them,they will regain their strenght and confidence and morale very soon.
And don't forget the babyboom is Serbia,(1500 new players yesterday) and the next one which will happen in Germany in a few days for sure.
Plus one more,if you cancel the attack and celebrate the victory and don't do anything,the new players of USA will abandon the game very soon,I bet.
In my opinion,the next days USA will have an opportunity,which will never return later,too.
Take it,or leave it?
Let's start the attack now,make some fun,and kick some of the Peace'asses🙂
Yours sincerely: