Paul Luthi Schmoozing with his Constituents

Day 1,433, 11:17 Published in USA USA by Paul Luthi

As the congressional election nears, I have decided to do some stumping. I messaged every person in Wyoming for a couple of reasons. First, I wanted to inform them I was running. Second, I wanted to direct them to my presentation and platform (located at if you would like to have a look) Third, I wanted to friend them, and have them friend me.

A politician must be available to his constituents so they may criticize him, offer advice, ask for help, voice their opinion and suggest legislation. What better way to get to know the people who vote for you then to go out and talk to them and let them know you are there for them?

An added bonus to meeting the people of Wyoming was the addition of four new subscribers to my newspaper. As the election nears my excitement mounts, but so does my nervousness. I know that I have the party behind me, and hope that I have reached out to enough of my constituents to garner enough votes to win the election.

With the election just around the corner I will keep everyone updated.