Paul Luthi for Congress

Day 1,432, 13:51 Published in USA USA by Paul Luthi

I would like to take this opportunity to throw my hat in the ring for Wyoming congressman in the upcoming elections. While I am new to the political world, I do know what is right and what is wrong. Things need change, and a new government is the best way.

My platform consists of two very basic ideas: Lower Taxes and Better Government. The people, not the government, should be allowed to dictate where their money is spent, and how much of that money is taken from their paychecks.

A bloated government infrastructure is of no use to the people. I intend to make responsible governance the basis for my seeking office, and if elected I will do my best to engage my constituents in the political process. I will listen to their ideas, seek their help, hear their opinions and make their views my own. It is, after all, their government.

Government needs more accountability, an audit of how moneys are spent, and an assurance that these government funded programs are the programs the people want and the people need! If we trim the fat we can keep the meat and reduce the burdensome tax burden on the average citizen. I intend to push for this as congressman.