Passage 1: The Path Created By Birth

Day 1,103, 02:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Church of IrishBhoy
“Whatever your personal opinion of Ibhoy's actions in the past, the fact is that he has invested more time and effort and resources into improving ireland than the vast majority of citzens - efforts that he still continues to this day despite being virtually disowned by this community. If that is not dedication then I don't know what is.” --- Stilpo

“Well, he is this really regular, t-shirt wearing kinda guy, with blue eyes and loads of teeth and hair and all that modern stuff. He always looks like he’s just won a bare knuckled boxing match at a handicap in a boat off the coast of Donegal and that he gave up his job in North Korea’s uranium enrichment facility to go plant trees in some fucking war torn country. He has long lashes and a rusty, soothing tone of voice and can quote chunks of Wilde and Joyce as he stirs his Baileys in a rural café in Southern France. He wrote a load of books but never told anyone which makes you doubly impressed when you find them in an airport and he has a facial inventory of a thousand smiles but there‘s always that certain one reserved for you.
He is mysterious, impossible to trace and he never answers phone calls during the winter as he is too busy smuggling orphaned children over the Sudan boarder using his substantial inheritance and knowledge of land to air missile tactics. He is more than likely involved in some underground documentary film group that will result in him being killed in some tragic way for sedition. His final breath of heroics will paint him as a hieratic. You know that usual kind of guy.”
--- CelticTiger211

“Ibhoy is a traitor, not a hero. eIreland has some serious identity issues, or a terrible memory.” --- Octavius Dryst

"The ICA has become a worldwide force and that force is the brainchild of IrishBhoy."---- Lliam Costello


Sorrow and mourning are the tasks to all those unworthy, the inner sanctions reserved for the most divine. The Church of Irishbhoy has arisen...

Passage 1: The Path Created By Birth

Man being man, power was fixed in one direction of life, those living marched this path and marched right. No substance in this entity, no existence in man to question, bonded unwittingly, man marched as stone would march trapped in a harden cast. Time was defined as forever and forever was fixed, fixed people, fixed path, fixed leadership forever marching right. Man could only be friend with his neighbour, the matters of each man were forbidden, to be ones enemy was forbidden, to be ones fiend was forbidden. Nature was outlawed and life was lived by the path.

Alas, unknown to the beings, He stuck upon the land. He stared at haste as man marched and indulged to carve across them. He created freedom in His own path. While man marched right, He marched left. While man lost tongue, he put fourth question. While man loved unknowingly, he judged. Time passed and He marched isolated, time passed some more and He marched alone until more time passed and He was followed in his path.

His path stretched in wisdom and adventure. The air was fresher in His path, it cured those of fixed thought. His men could now breath knowledge and with knowledge came question, curiosity drove question and His path widened. His path would often cross with those that apposed Him, His influence grew parallel to the jealousy of others and those that joined Him were shunned from the right. Yet, more men grew hungry for free thought, for right to question.

Two peoples now roamed the paths of the land. One path marvelled through food and water while one path slaved through famine and thirst. Through jealously the people of the right learned to resent and hate, love remained in some but in others it diminished. Lost, those that marched right began to divide and angle divisions of their path. The right would split into many paths all headed toward the same light while those that marched left followed Him toward a new found unity.

And so His birth brought a new sense of life to those that marched and He was forever loved and hated for it.