Party President Electoral Wrap-UP

Day 1,425, 20:52 Published in Canada Canada by Rolo Tahmasee

There was a lot of FAIL in eCanada. FAILURE to PLAN that is...

Top Parties were nearly PTO'd this month, lets do a recap of the top 6

#1) Rolo's Rockin' Party Palace (Former CPP)

Current Party President Ethel Rosenberg ran for re-election and looked to be a safe choice. A PTOer by the name of Romansul was identified and votes were thrust to Ethel. Then a strange thing happened, an in-game lulz proposal by Ethel Rosenberg caused a ruckus, explained away by Ethel that her account has been hacked multiple times over the past week, and obviously had been again today. Why, since she knew her account had been compromised did she wait until NOW to reveal this and run a certain victory of a Top 5 Party in my opinion NEEDS TO BE EXPLAINED


EPIC sure put the I in their Independence opening themselves up to PTO with a slew of uninspiring candidates and were forced to chose between a Romanian PTOer Lego-kun (relative of treasonous Takashi-kun perhaps?) and known thief and party destroyer PimpDollaz. For those of you "out of the know", when PimpDollaz was defacto Party President of the CPF, he liquidated the orgs and the member owned companies. A haul of between 400 and 650 GOLD. Talk about a choice between a punch in the face and a kick in the nuts...

#3 MOO

MOO took care of business this month, 2 candidates and a landslide win by IronToader

#4 Union Nationale

This group of nairdywells couldn't get their story straight all day. I kept seeing shouts in French containing the words Teddyz, UN and PTO, along with a few more french words. I assume this means Teddyz is the PTOer and we should vote for the other guy - Well Done, Union Nationale, Well Done!

#5 The Norsefire Party of Canada

Takin' Care of Bizzniss was the theme of the day, with Rolo Tahmasee remaining the democratically elected PP in a Landslide victory vs known and convicted treasoner Rylde - The Party remains True Norsefire, Strong and Free

#6 MDP

Fortunately for eCanada, Wally Cleaver at the last minute joined and saved this party from certain PTO from some random guy. Noticing Cypher Rahl's proven ability to not inspire any voters, he quickly jumped into this election and garnered enough votes to keep this party from enemy hands, or those of compulsive exclamation point user Cypher Rahl!!!

So in a final wrap up

1)Ethel Rosenberg's account apparently gets hacked non-stop and is most definitely guilty of BAD JUDGEMENT being that she is PP of a Top 5 party. should she immediately resign, should this "Hack" happen again? - I for one think so...

2)Lock up your assets EPIC, seriously, PimpDollaz may be looking for a quick Payday...

3)Those with Closed Door Congress access should really check out Roger Griswalds tin foil hat conspiracy theories, about stuff he heard from a friend of a friend of a friend of a neighbors Uncle from Croatia - Seriously, it's good stuff. Summary: Addy and Rolo = EVIL INCORPORATED

4)Rolo's Rockin Party Palace should be here to stay, seriously... How awesome is this

5)Wally Cleaver is going to do great things with the MDP, GREAT THINGS... I can feel it...

Rolo Tahmasee
eCanadian Hero and Patriot