Party politics explained

Day 2,124, 16:06 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Party politics

It would seem that a party it's just the mere sum of its member and
its leaders. But party politics are, in fact, the sum of three
different things:

1.- A myth

2.- Political pressence/pressure on the street ( political violence, media,
meetings, marches...)

3.- Actual and down to earth politics. Ideas. Technical politics.

Some people may think that a party should stick only to third point:
politics. Some others would wisely include "political pressence" in
the definition. The "party myth" is the part that most people miss.

Political pressence is probably what most of us call 'politics'.
Political pressence/pressure can be direct and indirect. Indirect
would be made by individuals not directly related to the party.
Political pressence would be negative, against other parties, or
possitive, in favor of the own party.

For example, Invalidation would be a case of indirect negative
political pressence of TUP.

It would desserve a full article how to manage positive and negative
pressence, direct or indirect. But, in any case, a sucessful party
must have such a pressence.

Trolling is just a case of direct negative pressence. It's simply
unavoidable. Since 'presence' is perceived in a relatively closed
environment, a kind of 'agora', let it be the erepublik country
media and feeds, in our case, whenever a 'presence' raises in the
media, this implies the 'perceived' presence of the rest of party
presences diminishes, so, you can only expect to other party members
to try to rever the situation with direct, indirect , positive or
negative pressure.

Moreover, the weight of each tier ( political presence , myth and
ideas) can help to balance the whole weight of the party. So you can
have a party with a weak 'myth' part, but with heavy presence, or you
can have a party with a weak presence but a huge myth part and good
ideas, and so on.

Myth is a part easy to understand. The myth of free entrepeurnership,
the myth of comunism, the myth of 'old stability', the myth of 'new
ideas'... Needless to say, myths have to be worked and kept. You have
to devise the symbols (or copy them) and stick to the myth. Myth is
created by means of propaganda ( repetition of simple ideas, absence
of logical reasons ), and, in some cases, by mystical elightment of
some individuals.

Once we have defined these 'axioms', let's use to analyze to eUK

TUP. As I see it, TUP myth is a kind of 'old stability and safety and
experience'. If TUP has any myth is just that. 'Fighting corruption'
is probably the greatest created 'myth', also known as PROPAGANDA. In
the ideas field, more than 'new' ideas, or simply 'ideas', they only
have one idea: keep Poland and Serbia as a our core allies. They
don't have any idea concerning new players, economy or military, as
far as I know. The 'presence side' of TUP is quite funny, well,
there's some positive side, of TUP newspaper, rather rare and poor
eyecatching, and then their great 'violent political police' is no
other than Dentals-Ska group, doing their dirt work, it's a case of
clear negative pressence. Besides TUP presence is played
'elsewhere', that is, in the forums and IRC where they have an
overwhelming stance, even, they had the mods in recent times.

UKRP. With no myth and no ideas, they have focused on 'pressence', in
fact, they call it 'community'.

ESO has tried to build up some myths, and it has succeeded to certain
extent these myths: openness (every single one ), respect,
respectability. In my opinion, ESO is so focused into its myth, that
as we have seen it's little else than propaganda work, that has almost
entirely forgot ideas and despised pressence.

New Era.
New Era is probably the most rich case. It has myths ( left as an
exercise to the reader), ideas and pressence. It lacks of negative
pressence, but it's possitive pressence has been simply overwhelming.


Trolling will exist for ever, it's part of the game. Myths exist and
they're probably all false. Few play the real politics : ideas . And
most take wrong what a pressence is.